you are in love

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It was Friday night, Brent had asked Pierson out on a date earlier in the week. It wasn't going to be too fancy, just a small picnic by the lake in the moonlight. He was getting ready, it was pretty casual so he wore black jeans and a white t-shirt. He fixed his hair and grabbed the stuff he needed and headed downstairs to put in his car. His mom followed him outside to the car, "Where are you going with all this stuff?" He looked at her and smiled. "I'm taking Pierson out on a date." She smiles back. "Where?" "The lake for a moonlit picnic." She nods, "Romantic. You know, you two are meant to be." He looks at her, "You really think so?" She smiles and nods, "Yes Brent. You are in love. True love." He smiles at her, "Love you mom, be back in a few hours." She blows him a kiss as he gets in his car, "Love you too, have fun."

Brent never thought about his feelings for Pierson in that way. He knew he loved her but was he in love with her? Yeah, he was. He would do anything for her. He could hear it in the silence. He could feel it on the way home. He could see it with the lights out. He was in love, true love.

He pulled up to her house and smiled. He got out of the car and walked up her front porch steps and knocked. He had a bouquet of flowers, sunflowers, her favorite, in hand. The door opened to reveal Pierson who smiled at him. "Hey Brent." "Hey, you ready?" She nodded, "Yep. Bye mom and dad." And with that, she closed the door and they walked back to Brent' car. They started driving in a comfortable silence with the radio playing in the background. Brent started, "Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?" She's wearing a light pink dress with a denim jacket over it. Pierson smirked, "No I don't think you have." He chuckles, "Well darling, you look beautiful tonight." She blushes, "Thank you. You don't look too shabby yourself." "Why thank you." He says which she giggles at.

They arrive at the lake, the moon just risen in the night sky. Brent starts to set up the picnic. She gasps slightly, "Wow Brent, this is breathtaking." He looks at her sincerely, "Just like you." Her cheeks get flushed at his response, he knows how to get her flustered. They sit down and enjoy the night, the food and just being with each other. Brent goes to grab a blanket from his car so they can stargaze together. He sits back down next to her as they lean against a tree. She kisses him softly and smiles as she pulls away. "This is amazing Brent, thank you." "Of course, anything for you Pierson." He says as he kisses her, just for a little while longer. They both pull away, breathless. Pierson smiles at him, "I'm glad we moved past our miscommunications." "So am I. I'm gonna tell you this very clearly, okay?" Pierson nods.

"I'm very much in love with you, Pierson Wodzynski."

"And I am very much in love with you, Brent Rivera."

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