Shopping spree

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A/n: ok you guys might hate me for this but I've been dying to do it and I don't like not doing it so im just gonna do it. Ima be making this like a normal story. Also Alexa is Lexi Rivera. Also this "~" will mean time skip like before. I hope you'll still read it! enjoy! :)

The next day the girls went shopping for the perfect dresses for prom. Pretty big deal for them. Even though Alexa was a sophomore, she still insisted on coming to help. "Ok, so we need to head to about like.. five stores" Alexa states. " My wallet can't do that" "literally same" the two seniors agree on. "fine. We can do two or three" she says annoyed. "Much better" Lexi says. They head to the first store and already see some lovely dresses. "Hi, how may I help you ladies? Shopping for prom?" the worker asks. "Yes, they are." Alexa says before the other two can say anything. "Well we have some nice dresses over here." She says leading them to a little section full of beautiful bright dresses. "Let me know if you need help or have any questions." "Ok thank you so much." Pierson says as the employee walks behind the register. "Ok, these are gorgeous!" Alexa exclaims. "I already see like five I wanna try on!" Lexi says. "They're nice." Pierson states. The two girls look at her. "What's that supposed to mean?" Alexa questions, a little nervous for an answer. "Nothing, its just nothing is catching my eye. That's all." Pierson says. "Any colors you want? I kinda want something nice and calm. Like a light color." Lexi says. "No idea when it comes to a color" Pierson says. "Well you can browse and get an idea." Alexa suggests. "Sounds good." Pierson says.

After a bit of looking and modeling, Lexi chose her dress but Pierson still didn't know what she was gonna wear. "Finding everything okay?" the worker asks. Alexa starts, "yes it's just we're trying to find the perfect dress for my friend here." "Oh I see. Well how about i show you some back here." she says leading the girls into a room full of dresses on mannequins wearing beautiful dresses. "These are gorgeous." Lexi says in awe. "Ya, I wish I was heading to prom." Alexa adds. They look at Pierson who is mesmerized, especially by this one dress. "That's the one." She states. "You sure?" Lexi questions, knowing she's always changing her mind. "I'm sure." Pierson says, walking towards it. "It's absolutely perfect." "So it's settled?" the employee asks. "I think so." Alexa says. "Perfect I'll check you out where you're ready." The browse a little bit before they check out. They head to a few stores seeing some nice dresses but none like the ones they recently just got. They head to a cafe before heading home. "So, lex, heading with someone?" Alexa asks. "um I doubt it." Lexi says. "Come on, live a little." Pierson adds to the conversation. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm not gonna come home from prom pregnant." Lexi says, directing it towards Pierson. The cafe is filled with Alexa laughing while Pierson mumbling to Lexi to shut up. "Ok, that's a good one." Alexa says, laughing still while high-fiving Lexi. "Let's just go." Pierson says, getting up. "Someone's embarrassed knowing I'm right." Lexi says, while getting up. Alexa starts laughing again. "Got a point" she adds as they head home, after a fun fulfilling day together.

Also a/n: yes, ima continue this. Also Lexi Rivera isn't going to prom since she's a sophomore since it's something for juniors and seniors apparently. Anyway here are the prom dresses if you were wondering. 633 words.

Lexi Hensler's dress

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Lexi Hensler's dress

Lexi Hensler's dress

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Pierson's dress

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