the best is yet to come

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   Pierson walked in smiling, just like most girls did that day. Why you may ask, well it's because of prom. She was immediately ambushed by all of her friends. It threw her off guard at first, but then she laughed, smiled, and talked with them. They were planning on going to one of the girl's houses, Gianna. Gianna always was the one to do that, kind of a self-centered person but
they all look past that. The bell rings just as they finish up their conversation.

   "So I'll do your makeup Lexi and I'll think about doing Alina's." Alexa says as we sit down at our usual lunch table. "Oh, and don't worry boys, I'll help you as well." She quickly adds, just as Alina starts. "What about me and Lexi? You're not gonna help us?" Alexa sighs, "I already said I'll help you and Lexi with makeup and hair and all that, you just weren't here yet."
"Oh okay, but I don't really know if I trust you with that Alexa." Alina says which we all heard and caught us off guard, especially Alexa, whose mouth went in a 'o' shape. "What do you ever so mean Alina?" she asks, almost sounding like a threat.
"Oh well, I mean. Just look at how you do yours, I don't wanna look like that." She adds innocently, not realizing how rude it came off and generally, was. Alexa scoffs while the boys give Alina a 'what the hell' expression. Ben glares at her as well as Lexi. I poke her back which she looks at me and smiles, damn she's a bitch. "Alina, what the fuck? That was so rude." I spat at her which she shrugs, "We all know it's true Brent, just because she's your sister doesn't mean you don't think it." "Why are you such a bitch?" I yell at her which, everyone stares at me for.

Brent just called his girlfriend a bitch. I mean, I bet she is one as well as not. She looks like a lovely angel, but I also would love to kill her and act like nothing happened. She says something but Brent quickly yells at her again. She seems to yell back now and pour some water on his head, the whole cafeteria, silent. She grumbles something to him before storming off and out of the room. We all watch as he immediately hugged Alexa who looked like she was crying, I was about to run over there before someone tugged me back, Blake. He shook his head and I sighed, I'll do it later when he's not here.

But she's beautiful, she looks kind.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel, but then again, kinda wish she were dead.
She looks like an angel, it's what they'll believe.

Brent hugged Alexa as if the world was gonna end. He felt so bad putting her through that with Alina, he was so torn over Pierson, he didn't realize Alina was like that. She pulled back and whispered to him, "try talking with Pierson, please. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for me." Brent contemplated it before nodding. I deserve it, so does she.

a/n: hey guys! so this is sort of a filler but I needed to give you something lol! anyways, I started school recently so less updates, (what else is new) so yeah, love you all and hope you liked this!

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