don't screw this up

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Prom Night.
It's a core memory for high schoolers, especially the seniors.
Dance with your partner, have fun with your friends, the whole thing of getting ready and photos, especially with the moms.
"Okay, Lexi, I'm almost done with your makeup!" Alexa says, Lexi just got her hair curled by Alexa and was now doing some natural makeup which suits her very well, "Ben, be patient! Once I'm done with Lexi, I'll do your tie, then I'll do yours Dom." The boys nodded as they still tried to figure out how to do it, idiots. I was ready and Andrew and Jeremy were still changing.
I promised Alexa that I would talk to Pierson but I don't know about it. I feel like she would hate me after everything that's happened. Honestly, I don't even remember why we started fighting, maybe one of the guys do. "Hey Ben" I ask, "Yeah?" He replied, still messing with the tie. "Why did me and Pierson start fighting?" "Oh shoot, wasn't it because you weren't gonna go to prom or something?" Right. I remember. We got into an argument because I was gonna hang out with the guys and not go.


She turns around and sees Brent with a huge grin on his face. "What's the grin about?" Pierson questions, a bit confused. "Andrew is gonna have a cool little get together next Friday." "Next Friday?" She asks before even thinking to ask why he's telling her all this. "Ya, it's sounds so cool." He adds. "So you going?" "Of course! It sounds better than anything! How could I miss it?" He says. With that, Pierson gave him the most sarcastic smile ever. "Well, hope you have fun on your little play date."

End of Flashback

Shit, she's gonna be so mad when she sees me there. What am I gonna do? Wait, I'm gonna talk to her and say how the last week has been hell without her. Hopefully, the feeling is mutual and we get together? Or back together? Well as long as we get together. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Alexa yells, "picture time!" Time to do this.


"Pierson, you're so lucky!" Someone tells me. "Why?" I ask, not following. "You're going with like, the hottest guy at school!" Gianna gushes, "I would do anything to be able to call him mine." "Trust me, you can have him" I mutter. "What was that?" She asks. "Nothing." I respond. If it weren't for Brent, I wouldn't be in this situation. I need to work something out between us.


We're here. The gym is decorated beautifully. I'm pretty nervous about this whole Pierson fiasco. We find a table to occupy for the night. Before I know it, I feel someone nudge me, it's Ben, I look at him, confused to which he points towards the doors, I look, only to see the most beautiful girl walking in, with some douche bag on her arm but her beauty makes me look past that. She's wearing a beautiful yellow dress which fits her perfectly and isn't to showy but it hugs her in the best way. God, what I would do to kiss her. Her boyfriend walks away with some girl by him who's swooning over him. Now's my chance.


I see Brent. He's wearing a grew suit with a yellow tie. God, would we look amazing together right now. I could've sworn he wasn't coming but I guess he changed his mind. I see him walking toward me. I look around me to see if he's waking towards a table but there is nothing around me. He's coming towards me. I'm nervous and I don't know why. Oh gosh, just breathe.

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