Were great

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A/n: I told myself yesterday that I would write this after I finished a story well, the sequel, half a book, and two books later here I am writing

Brent spent the rest of that night thinking of what he would do, and it came to him, he was gonna wait to do it but that idea was thrown out the window when Lexi invited everyone over
The next day everyone arrived and when Brent saw Pierson come in, it was time..
P:hey Brent
Brent looked up at her then continued what he was doing
P:um how are you?
he still kept doing what he was doing
P:you going to talk or?
With that, he got up and left the room
What the hell is with him?
She walked downstairs to find him talking with the guys so she just sat down by Lexi Hensler, Nicholas came and tried to put him arm around her shoulder but she rolled her shoulders back to move them. Brent noticed her action
What the hell? Is this even a good idea?
He continued to ignore her and by the end of the day, to say she was annoyed would be an understatement, but she let it go, maybe he was in a bad mood? Who knows what was with him but she decided to let it go, he'll come around.


Within a week of him ignoring, Pierson was really pissed off at him. But she continued to let it go, yet it did bother her. Quite a bit.
N:hey you good?
Pierson just nodded
N:and you can tell me anything, you know
She just nodded, she's sick of it
N:so you good?
She faced him
P:can you do me a favor?
P:leave me alone
with that being done, she got up and was about to leave but somebody stopped her
LR:where you going Pierson?
P:home, I'm done
LR:what do you mean?
P:I'm sick of it Lexi
P:ask your brother, and tell him I'm done
Pierson left after that
LR: wait so you were together!
she got a few stares from her friends
LR:right, wrong time
She immediately ran up to Brent but Brent went over to where Nicholas was
Br:you know this is on you, right? All your fault
LR:Brent calm dow-
Br:Calm down?! Lexi I'm not going to calm down! You still have Ben! I lost her! So don't you dare tell me to calm down!
He marched upstairs and left them all there
In complete shock
LR:what the hell happened between them...?

Heh, bet you didn't see this coming, did ya? Got like 15 backstories so we're in for a treat :) (466 words)

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