Lies and Questions

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Blake and I went to my house while he looked around the room. "Damn, this room has changed." he says taking in everything. "Obviously, I'm not a middle schooler." I say going through my phone. "Whatcha lookin at?" he asks, looking at my phone over my shoulder. "Photos from a bit back." I say. I come across one. Me and Alexa took in her room.

"Hey, I'm being hypothetical but if you and Brent were to ever start arguing. I would be on your side. Even if Brent is my older brother." Alexa says, looking at me with a little smile. I give her a little warm smile. "Thanks lex." I say before I head downstairs and leave her house.
End of Flashback

I start tearing up at that moment. Nothing was supposed to happen. She lied to me. She still is with Brent every day. I haven't talked to her since that day. "Hey, hey, Pierson. You okay?"
he asks wiping the tears that had escaped. "She's a liar." I say with a little sniffle. He looks at me, concerned. "Who?" he asks, wanting to know what i do. "lex." I say. he gives me a little smile. "it happened fast and recent. she still cares about you. i know, trust me." he says. I look at him and smile. "Thanks." I whisper in his chest as we hug.


Me and Alexa get home and she immediately runs into the kitchen where my mom is going through mail. "How was school?" she asked. Before I can answer, Alexa says it. "Awkward." she says, popping a chip in her mouth. My mom turns around and looks at us, "how was it awkward?" Alexa, again, answers. "People were staring at us all day. Especially Brent." she says, staring at me. My mom looks at me, "care to explain?" she asks. "I sign and take a seat next to Lexi. "They think I broke up with Pierson." I say simply. It's not that big of a deal. I think. She looks at me, "what? why would they think that?" "We got into an argument and she got a new boyfriend." I say. She gives me a tiny smile. "Aw, that's a shame. I loved Pierson, she was the sweetest." Alexa smacks my arm. "Hey! What was that for?" I ask, rubbing my arm for a little touch of drama. "For lying. Pierson probably thinks the same about you."she adds,  "I heard that people were just being completely rude to her." "How so?" my mother asks. "They were saying stuff like 'about time Brent dumped you' , 'he finally realized' , 'you didn't deserve Brent'. Just complete rudeness." lex states which makes me feel bad for her. She doesn't deserve that. I didn't deserve her and clearly it was proven. "She has a new boyfriend." I say, trying to end the subject. "And you got a new girlfriend." Alexa says. "Brent Austin Rivera!" my mother exclaims. "What?" I ask. "Breakups are hard for girls, especially in high school. Would you want this happening to Lexi?" she asks, trying to make me understand clearly. "No, I don't have a girlfriend nor would I want that to happen to Lexi." I state. "Who's the non-girlfriend?" "Alina." Alexa says, blandly. "Oh." my mother says, giving her attention back to the mail. "Alina is amazing. Whether you think so or not. She's not gonna leave me for some other guy or friends. Think what you want but she's amazing. I like her, and she likes me. Ok? Obviously me and Pierson are done and weren't meant to be."
I say, heading to my room. Me and Pierson were different in ways. It was never to serious. It was like close best friends but with kissing here and there. I never thought about our relationship before. Were me and Pierson ever in love?


"Next week will be better." he says. "Ya right." I say with an eye roll. He smiles, "we'll see." "I hate how I'm hating everything and everyone right now." I say, right as Logan walks in. "Hey Pierson, heard what happened. You okay?" he asks me. "Ya, hating life and the people in it."
"Sorry." he says as he sits in a chair at a desk. "Ya, come on in my room." I say sarcastically. I see his eyes wander around the room. Noticing every picture. Blake is clearly doing it too. "I love it. All the pictures are here still." he says. "Of course, they mean a lot to me." I say. Pictures of me, family, friends, Blake, the squad, Brent. I grab a few pictures of me and Brent hanging above my bed and unclip them. I get off my bed and go into my closet and pull out a box with the label 'Done with but can't toss' . I put it on my bed. It's filled with pictures that meant a lot but don't as much. I place it in the box. I grab more of me with the guys, the lexis, Brent and place them in. "You sure you wanna do that?" Logan asks. "Positive." I say with a smile." I put the box back in my closet and place a few knick knacks in another one. I lay on my bed and let it all hit me. He's moved on. We're completely done. Forget it all. It was a moment, just a moment. You were a fling. Then one comes that I never thought about. Were we ever in love?

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