Could get use to

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The room is just filled with laughter. Logan, Blake, and I are having a sleepover. It's just what I needed to get over the whole Brent thing. It feels like yesterday we were doing this.
"I get it! I'm horrible at math!"
"No kidding." I add.
"I mean, if it took you that long to answer 9 x 5, that's concerning." Logan points out.
"You threw me off with the nine first!" Blake exclaims.
We were currently having a movie on while we paid no attention to it whatsoever. We were playing "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader" where Blake was failing 3rd Grade math. Me and Logan weren't amazing at it but we at least were better than him.
"Ok ok, I get it! I'm horrible at math! What else is new?"
"That's true, you've never been good at math." I answer simply. This is something I could get used to.


"Lexi, I don't appreciate what you did."
"What? Telling mom the truth about everything?" Alexa answers me. We weren't arguing but it wasn't a normal conversation.
"Mom didn't need to know what is going on. It's just stupid high school drama." I tell her.
"You certainly don't think so about Alina." She says, looking at me. I mean I get it. I messed up big time with what I did. Even though I don't know how, it cost all of us our friendship with Pierson. I know they don't show they're mad at me but they probably are a bit upset with me. They all aren't Alina's biggest fans either but they tolerate her, which is good? Maybe? It's progress.
"Can you just drop her?" I ask.
"Like how you did with Pierson." She says. I look at her. She looks at me, mouthing 'sorry'.
"It's not my fault. I told you this. I don't why she was mad at me. So stop pinning it on me."
"Fine." Lexi says as she leaves my room. I lay back and close my eyes. Her night couldn't be better than mine. She was being treated like shit today. That wouldn't make my evening good. But who knows. Why am I even thinking about her? I'm not with her anymore. Even though I miss her. But it's fine, I got my friends and family which is amazing. Best thing I could ask her. Next week will all be better

But who knew how off he be.

A/n: hey everyone! It's been over a month since I published a story part! My apologies, it's been hectic with everything. I've been feeling productive since yesterday afternoon so let's see how long that lasts. I've been busy with school, family, friends and other socials. Um I wanted to say how recently in the story, we were introduced to Alina. It's so funny because there is a girl in my class named Alina, which is how I got the name, and at the time, I didn't talk to her or anything. But now, she's like one of my closest friends somehow. We sit next to each other, talk a lot and it's so weird how it happened. I bet nobody really likes her but if you do, I love to know! My friend, Alina, is like the sweetest and most amazing person ever and not awful at all. But I hope you all liked this pretty short part. I'll try to update it more.

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