that someone

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It was currently Monday. Everybody's least favorite day of the week. But some people, mostly couples, were in a good mood. Why you may ask. Well, prom is just around the corner. Five days away to be exact. "I hate that all you get to go but me!" Alexa rants to them. "Next year lex." Lexi says with Alexa quickly answering, "but none of you will be there! Who do I go with?"
"Not another guy, that's for sure." Ben says.
"Well duh! I know that!" The sophomore says while rolling her eyes.
Before they know it, a person, they well, despise shows up. Alina. Already saying something nobody really cares about. "Here comes the queen bee." Andrew mumbles right before she sits down next to Brent. Even though Brent doesn't care about them or that, he's looking for that someone. Who so happens to walk in with her "boyfriend" as they call him. All happy and smiley. "I'm sick of it" he says, a little to loudly since they all start staring at him. "Sick of what?" Lexi asks before anyone else can. "Oh nothing." he quickly says. They all look at him, not buying it. Luckily, Alina kept talking so they stopped staring. He looked back over at her, still having the time of her life. He just doesn't get it. Brent looks at his friends, playing with their food while Alina talks about something that is "important". The senior rushes out of the cafeteria hoping nobody noticed. But several people did, including that someone.


Why did he leave? And why in a hurry? I honestly don't get it. His girlfriend, sister, and friends are all there so why did he leave? "Hey, you good?" Blake asks, as he rubs my leg.
"Yep. All good." I say with a smile which he returns. I look back over to see everyone rolling their eyes and looking bored as Brent's "girlfriend" keeps talking. I look around at my table to see no one is paying attention to me. I quickly get up and walk out of the cafeteria to look for someone. I see him, sitting down in a corner, doing who knows what. I really just wanna go up to him but just as I build up the courage to go talk with him, Blake comes up to me.


"What's up buttercup?" he asks.
"Nothing, just needed some air." she say, trying to avoid the conversation from continuing.
"Has nothing to do with Brent leaving the room?" he asks, not smirking like she thought.
"I promise, no feelings involved." she answers which makes him smile with relieve.

Little did she know, a certain someone overheard the entire conversation.

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