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I left school early, not giving a crap on my other classes and ran home. As soon as I walked inside, my mom looked at me, very confused. "What are you doing here Brent?" she asks, since it's only 12:50. I look at her and finally crack, "I overheard them." I say, which she is still confused at. "Who?" I look down at the floor, as if it's interesting, "Pierson and her new boyfriend." "I'm sorry Brent." My mothers says as she engulfs me in a hug. "I don't get it." I say which she tells me, "I don't either." with a light chuckle. "One minute, it was all Pierson, the next you're crying over her. Brent, do you remember the day you said you'll never get a girlfriend?" "I laugh lightly at the memory that I'll always remember. "Yeah, I do." I answer, which makes my mom smile, "What happened to him? He for sure didn't want this happening."she says. "Yeah, you're right." I tell her . "Stay here for the remaining of the day. Clear your mind for a bit." my mother tells me. "Sounds good, thanks mom." I tell her which she just smiles at.


"So Pierson." Blake says as he comes up to me. "Yeah? I say, trying to build up courage so I could go talk to Brent." "Wanna do something? Make the week a bit bearable." He offers which I politely decline, "sorry, im gonna do something." "Like what? Go talk to Brent?" he says, still without a smirk. "Well I-" "look Pierson, I know it might be hard to move on, but Brent clearly doesn't have a problem with it. He's got a new girlfriend." He says, holding my shoulder, "would you rather him say to your face 'I got a girlfriend, you should know that by now' or take my word for it?" he asks, smiling at me which I return. "Take your word." I say, quickly adding, "let's go do your thing." Blake smiles as he grabs my hand as we run out of school together.


"Dude!" Lexi says as she enters her house to see her brother on the couch, "why did you leave early? Ben had to drop me off here." She tells him which he sighs at, "sorry lex, forgot." "Oh bullshit you forg-" "Lexi! Leave your brother alone." Laura says as she interrupts her. "Sorry mom." Lexi says before whispering to her, "why did he come home early?" Laura gives a little smile to her daughter, "Pierson." she says which Lexi nods at. She knows that even though he hasn't shown it, he's upset that Pierson did that to him and she isn't to fond of it either. So the best she could do was let it be. She goes up to her brother and sits down next to him and taps him on the shoulder, getting his attention before whispering.

"Tomorrow will be better."

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