Hellos and Goodbyes

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The next day the girls walk in the school already talking, mostly about prom. They talk for a little while until the boys show up. "You ruined our conversation!" Alexa exclaims to the boys who interrupted them. "Oh no! We interrupted the girls! What are they gonna do?" Ben says in a very sarcastic manner. Before you know it, you can hear a smack. Alexa slapped him right across the face. "Anyone else think it's funny?" Alexa questions, clearly in a good mood. Quietness fills the air. You would be able to heard a pin drop. The bell rings so they head to their classes.

At lunch, they head to the cafeteria. On Pierson's way over, she feels someone grab her wrist. She turns around and sees Brent with a huge grin on his face. "What's the grin about?" Pierson questions, a bit confused. "Andrew is gonna have a cool little get together next Friday." "Next Friday?" She asks before even thinking to ask why he's telling her all this. "Ya, it's sounds so cool." He adds. "So you going?" "Of course! It sounds better than anything! How could I miss it?" He says. With that, Pierson gave his the most sarcastic smile ever. "Well, hope you have fun on your little play date." In a very sarcastic tone. Then she walked outside. To say Brent was shocked would be an understatement. She never acted like that. ever. He had no idea what the hell had just happened. But he went to their table and acted like nothing even though he was confused. Pierson was pretty upset, how could he forget? Next Friday was fricking prom! She went inside and just went to a classroom and sat on a desk. She sat looking at her phone till she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She looks over to see someone she wasn't expecting too. "Blake?" She asks, feeling like she was delusional. "Hey Pierson" he said, letting go of her to sit by her. "What you doing alone? Thought you would be with your friends or something." He says. "Ya, wanted to be alone" she says, completely not wanting to say why she was there. They heard laughter and of course, more people. But she knew them atleast. "Pierson?" the girl questions. "Hey Gianna" "What happened to you?" the other girl asked. "Oh" Pierson starts. she doesn't want to tell them but she's gotta. "Been hanging with the girl who pulled me out of lunch that one day" is all she said. "Ok, so that's all? Feel like you got more to say." She says. "Nope that's it." "Ok well come join us! Me, Avery and the others miss you!" Gianna exclaims. "Ok sure." She says, not wanting to really explain anything to anyone. So they head to a lunch table full of other girls. Pierson knew some of these girls since she was in kindergarten so it was nice. But when she looked at the table she had sat at for a while now. their faces. But she looked away with the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. "You good?" he asks. She looks at them to see some of the guys looking at her but to look back to him. "Yep, never better." "Ok, so um wanna go do something after school?" He asks, "I miss having my Pierson around." he adds. "I miss having my Blake around too" she says, "so I'm in" she states. While looking to see Brent staring at her. Looking not just confused but upset. It takes her a minute to realize why. His arm is around my shoulders.

Good decent length and good drama about to start! 621 words.

"I don't need a girlfriend"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum