boys will be boys

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"What the fuck Blake?" I spat at him once he well, stopped dragging me. Like seriously, what the hell is his fucking problem. "Did you literally just say you were going to the bathroom just to talk to Brent?" he asks me, anger radiate in his voice. I will gladly pee in my pants, right in front of this man if that what it takes for him to believe me . "No, I actually have to pee really bad." I tell him while he eyes me up and down, which to be honest, makes me really uncomfortable. "I'm going to the bathroom Blake, he's gone anyway." I say as I walk away. He groans, "you're so fucking difficult." I immediately stop in my tracks, I walk up to him and I ask, "really?" before I do something the whole school saw and witnessed: I slapped him.


"Mr and Mrs. Wodzynski. Mr and Mrs. Carls. Thank you for joining me today." the principal, Mr. Mopez says to our parents who had a frustrated smile on their faces. "Can we just get on with this?" Mrs. Carls says, "I wanna know why this girl caused a problem with my son." That was soo Mrs. Carls to say, always assuming her son was an angel. I mean, I thought he was nice up until an hour ago. "Right so Pierson, explain why you did what you did?" he asks which I nod to. "Right so um, we were at lunch and I excused myself since I had to go to the bathroom, so I got up and I ran into my ex-boyfriend I guess you could say, and before I could say anything to him, Blake was dragging me down the hallway and the-"
"I'd like to differ!" Blake interrupts me. "It's not your turn yet Blake." Mr. Mopez says, "continue Pierson."
"Right okay so then I asked him what he was doing and he got mad since my ex was near the bathroom and he eyes me up and down which made me very uncomfortable to say the least and I told him I was going to the bathroom. He then said I was difficult and I couldn't take it anymore so I slapped him." I explained. "Okay, I see. Now I listen to both sides so Blake, is what Pierson said true?" he asks, "No." Blake ejects. "Are you telling the truth?" he asks to which Blake answers the same, no. We both got a week of detention for physical contact with each other. Principal Mopez was still talking but I had something very important to ask him.
"Yes Pierson?" He asks.
"May I please use the restroom?" I ask while him and my parents laugh.
"Go right ahead." he tells me which I smile at as I walk to the bathroom.

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