second chance

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I walked out of the bathroom to be met by Logan. "Oh hey Logan." I say as he smiles, "seems like you were called to the principal's office." He tells me, I laugh. "Yeah, I had good reasoning though." I say to which he laughs. We talk and I explain to him what happened until we had to go to our last class of the day. We went our ways, but as I walk down the halls, I couldn't help but feel everyone staring at me. It's really uncomfortable. This is gonna be happening for the next couple days, yipee!

"Okay, but wasn't it just amazing when Pierson slapped him. Like, you could hear her hand touching his face in that fast motion!" Alexa starts saying after our last class of the day. "Okay, I have to admit. That was a pretty badass move." Lexi admits to us. We all laugh and talk mindlessly. Prom came up a couple times and we were all excited for that. Well, Alexa wasn't since she couldn't attend since she's a sophomore but she was happy for us and excited that we allowed her to help us all get ready with the suits and dresses.

"Wait. Are you still going to go to prom with Blake?" Logan asks me and I sigh, "I don't know. I said yes but then I slapped him. I mean, I guess I'll leave it up to him." I explain and Logan nods, "but you wish you were going with Brent?" I sigh, "That was the ideal plan but then everything well, happened between us." Logan nods to me and asks, "What happened between you two anyway?" And I chuckle, "No idea. It's really chaotic and probably childish as well as petty." We just spent the night eating a bunch of junk food, watching movies, and talking with each other.

Thursday morning came and you can hear girls squealing and boys chuckling, talking about who there're taking to prom. I look around and notice Blake. As I start to walk over to him, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I shake it off and head up to him and smile, "Hi Blake, um sorry about well, yesterday since I didn't apologize." He shakes his head, "No, no. It's fine. I kind of deserved it anyway." I chuckle and shake my head, "Well um is prom still happening?" He nods, "As long as you want it to." And I nod. I know I wanna go to senior prom and if that means going with Blake, then I'll go with Blake.

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