moment of truth

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"U-um." I start. It's not everyday you get asked to prom like this when you were planning on not going. It's literally in three days! There's a lot to be done in three days for prom! He wants to go with you Pierson, just say yes!
"Yeah! I'd love to." I say as I smile, Blake doing the same as he places down the sign and grabs me in a hug and twirls me around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he says, "I was scared you would say no." "Of course I wouldn't." I tell him. At least I have a prom dress for this already.


"How's it going man?" Andrew asks. "Fine I guess." I tell him. "GUYS!!!" Jeremy screams as he runs towards us." What Jeremy?" Andrew asks him. "We hanging out on Friday or what?" Jeremy asks. "Nah, senior prom you know. We're going." Andrew tells him, Jeremy nods right as the intercom says;
Everyone starts laughing as he groans when staring to walk in that direction. Lexi came out of nowhere and asked us if Alina was going with us. "I don't know, I'll ask Alina for you." I say, right as there about to threaten me to not tell her, Alina's voice saying '"tell me what?" was heard. "Oh, if you wanted to come to prom with us." I inform her as Lexi who is behind her shows me a symbol for 'you're dead' but I'm focused on Alina's big smile. "I would love to! We can take photos and everything! It'll be like a Pinterest prom!" She squeals. I smile to her as she gasps. "I need to buy a dress. Lexi, you and Alexa wanna go shopping after school with me?" She asks as Lexi gives her a really good fake smile, "Of course!" Lexi says, "We'll be there!" "Perfect!" Alina exclaims. "I need to get to my next class. See you at lunch!" She says as we wave. Once she's gone, Lexi looks at me with a horrible glare. If looks could kill, I'd be 20 feet below, in the ground. "You are dead to me Brent Austin Rivera." She whispers but the guys are just happy they won't be with the girls. "Oh well, sorry Lexi. Got a deal with it. Plus, you could've said no if you didn't want to go." I tell her as she says, "I couldn't! It's rude for crying out loud!" I shrug as I walk to my next class. I'm fine with it.


As I sit at my lunch table in the cafeteria, I've been met with a slap. "Ow, what was that for?" I ask. "For making us have to go prom dress shopping with Alina later." Alexa whisper yells. "Lexi volunteered you to come with." I tell her as she says, "Can you blame her?! It's your fault for INVITING her to prom with you guys! I can't go to prom so sorry!" I roll my eyes as they wonder around the cafeteria. I quickly notice Pierson with Blake. His hands all over her. It made me genuinely disgusted. She was smiling but I didn't feel like it was genuine. I immediately know Alina came to our table by some quiet groans. "Hey!" Alina says as I smile. "Hey, excited for later?" I ask, trying to get under my sister's skin. "Yes! You're coming, right Alexa?" she asks which my sister nods at. "Yeah, can't wait." She says with fake enthusiasm. "Perfect!" Alina exclaims, not even paying attention to her tone. I smile. Yeah this is lovely.
As we're all talking, we hear some gasps and screams and squeals coming from the table Pierson sits at. We look but don't see nothing bad besides some boy being touchy with Pierson. We all look at each other and shrug, it's nothing.

But little did they know about that "nothing".

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