saved by luck

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Was he actually going to kiss Pierson? I mean, yeah he's her boyfriend and I'm her ex, I really don't even know myself but still, I don't want to see what happens but I do. Pierson turns her head right as he leans in and he ends up kissing her cheek. You can hear giggles and laughter from her friends and I can tell she's smiling and laughing, but by her expression, it looks forced. "Earth to Brent!!" Alexa shouts, waving her hand in front of my face. "Yeah?" I sigh as she says, "you zoned out, are you feeling fine?"
"Yeah, never better."

"You guys need to kiss already!" Someone shouts. I shake my head and laugh. They all actually think Blake and I are a couple, when really, he's still like my middle school best friend. I'll admit when I was in middle school I liked him a bit and I thought he was cute and stuff but I outgrew that. I mean, I kind of wonder if he is still a good kisser. I guess we'll never know.

Flashback, 5 years ago
"You know you're pretty, right?" A thirteen year old Blake asks a thirteen year old Pierson, as he tucks some of her hair that was in her face behind her ear. Pierson was on cloud nine, she had liked him for so long and he's showing interest, it was absolutely amazing. "Thanks. Pierson shyly says as he looks at her, like really looked at her. And then, he leaned in which Pierson highly reciprocated. Their lips met and we're moving together. For both of them, it was their first kiss and they both enjoyed it. Once they broke apart after a couple seconds, they smiled at each other. It was a memorable night for both of them.
Flashback over

"Logan!" Pierson shouts once she gets home. Both of her parents were at work and she knew her brother beat her home. "Upstairs!" He shouts and she quickly runs upstairs in to his room as she enters, she drops her bag and slams the door. "Someone had a bad day." Logan mumbled as he threw a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "Blake tried to kiss me." Logan immediately spit out the kernel in his mouth so fast, it hit the wall right next to Pierson and she looked at it in disgust before looking at him, "ew." "He stifled back a laugh, "Sorry PP. But um, back to the fact that Blake tried to kiss you." "Oh right," I say, "Yeah, he said something and I was looking at him, letting him know he had my attention and I laughed at it and we were staring at each other and he leaned in and as he was about to kiss me, I turned my head so he ended up kissing my cheek. It was so awkward, I've been avoiding him ever since." Logan laughs, "Well good luck with that, especially since tomorrow is prom." "Oh shit!" I groan out of frustration, "this is going to be terrible." I say as I sit down on Logan's bed. "You'll be fine, it'll go just fine." I sigh, "let's hope."

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