49~ D-Day

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Today is the day we will be bringing back Aera. Honestly, not a single day passed by where I didn't think of her. My mind was completely clouded by her thoughts. Was she safe? Did they touch her? Did they abuse her? I was worried about her safety.

Her absence made me realize how she became a very crucial part of my life. The love she gave is different. It's difficult to understand someone so deeply but Aera? She read me like an open book.

Throughout my life I never got love. I was an orphan who got picked up by Taeyong hyung as he took me under his wing. Aera gave me all the love that I missed out on through the growing years. Her presence was enough to make me feel warm.

I felt empty without Aera. She was the only one to keep me grounded. I was an insouciant soul who couldn't care about shit before I met. But she entered my life and after meeting ,every nerve in my body screams concern for and about her.

She is my first love and I want her to be the last too. I'm lucky enough to have her in my life and I'm not going to let go someone so precious and dear to me.

Aera... I'm coming to get you out of the hell hole. Wait for me.


Every member was now ready and buckled up for the D-Day. The members now gathered at the living room including Mrs.Lee. "Is everyone here?" Taeyong asked as he did a head count.

Renjun came forward and handed them their in-ears. "I hope everyone is wearing the watch. And keep your in-ears active all the time." Renjun instructed.

"Okay NCT, gather around!" Taeyong commanded. On his call, all the members gathered around.

"Remember the missions and the instructions everyone. Don't leave any of us behind and take care of the members. Also the members at the base, make sure you all lock the doors and put on the high safety mode." Taeyong commanded and continued.


The members chanted and started walking to the exit. Everyone entered the vans with their assigned teams. Renjun, Ten and Doyoung were going to stay back at the base.

"Guys stay safe and do your best!" Doyoung said the last word before the remaining gang took off.

The van was very silent and the tension present was very thick. Everyone was concerned about how the mission will turn out to be. Will they be successful to save Aera? Will they be able to wash off the rest of the black serpents? They never know.

The eerie of silence was broken of by the static screeching from their in-ears. "NCT can you hear me?" they heard Renjun's voice.

"Yes we can," they replied in unison.

"Remember the plan, Taeyong will enter the warehouse first. Winwin, Lucas and Haechan, don't even waste a minute to get to your positions. The remaining people, wait for Doyoung's or Winwin's order. They will say code red when they sense danger or the leader's safety is in question. Is this clear?" Ten instructed.

They replied in unison again.

"More 20 minutes to reach the given location. Park the vans half a kilometer away from the location." Doyoung informed.

The members mentally noted down the instructions. Silent eerie in the atmosphere was back. The nerves in their bodies were worked up making them nervous.

Soon NCT was standing a half kilometer away from the warehouse, just as Doyoung instructed.

"Sniper squad take your positions now!" Taeyong commanded. They were ready to walk away as Taeyong called them, "Stay safe!" he said. "You too hyung and don't worry we got your back," the youngsters retorted.

After five minutes, the remaining member heard a static screeching in their in-ear again.

"Sniper squad reached and in position," Winwin informed. "Taeyong, you can go in," Ten said. Taeyong nodded. "Stay safe leader," Mrs.Lee said as the others nodded in agreement. "I will," the young leader retorted, a spark of determination visible in his eyes.

Taeyong took a leave. "Spy team, check the areas and inform." Ten commanded.

"Checked and all clear," Yuta informed. "Man, I wanted to be a part of the spy team too," Yangyang whined and pouted about his position. "Yangyang, not now." Kun scolded him. "Oh my god someone shut this baby up," the members heard Ten say it, earning small giggles from the members.

Taeyong reached near the entrance of the warehouse. A sudden rush of nervousness washed over him. Shaking it off, he gained his composure and entered the boundaries of the warehouse.

"Ok, I'm in." Taeyong mumbled but was audible enough to be heard the in-ear. "They might confiscate my weapons and in-ears. So NCT get in position I'm about to reach." Taeyong informed and commanded.

The leader was now standing infront of the warehouse door which was guarded by two guards. The two bulky men stopped Taeyong and checked him, confiscating his weapons and in-ears. Luckily they left his watch on and did not take it. Taeyong rolled his eyes as one of the guard signaled him to enter.

"WELCOME LEE TAEYONG!" a voice boomed through the warehouse. Taeyong immediately recognized it to be of Seungcheol.

Soon the rival leader was standing before him with Soa beside him. "Choi Seungcheol," Taeyong mumbled. "Yes, Choi Seungcheol. In flesh and blood." he said and smirked at Taeyong.

Taeyong showed an uninterested face to him. Now, the other remaining members of Seventeen entered the too. And it wasn't just them. Taeyong saw something and that was enough to shake his world. He saw Aera, all bruised up.

Blood was flowing from her nose. She had a swollen and bruised up eye, while the other one was surrounded with dried up blood. She was a mess and barely conscious.

Aera was being held up by Jeonghan and Joshua on each of her side.

Taeyong's face hardened. "You will pay for this," Taeyong said. His voice came out a lot deeper. "What do you want? Leave my sister out of this." He said again more threateningly.

Seungcheol sat on a chair. He evilly laughed. "Relax Taeyong. And I? I want a lot of things Taeyong. I want a big house. I want a lot of money. I want NCT to vanish and I want your family dead." Suddenly the rival leader's smirk disappeared and was now replaced by a look of anger and seriousness.

"Well, nice dream you got there. There's nothing wrong with dreaming you know." Taeyong replied him back sarcasm and hatred present in his tone.

"I am not lying Taeyong. You made our lives miserable. Your father killed our family. Seventeen was doing it's business but NCT decided to interrupt. And why? Because of those mere people who had nothing to do with you,"

"Those weren't mere people Seungcheol. Those were innocent people who did not deserve to get dragged in your dirty business." Taeyong interrupted Seungcheol which ticked him off. "They weren't related to you either!" Seungcheol's voice rose up.

On the other hand, Doyoung cut off Taeyong's in-ear connection since his got taken.

NCT was on the move and Seventeen was oblivious about it.

"Team A move to the back entrance they don't have any guards over there. Team B move to the front entrance. They have two bulky guards over there. Lucas and Haechan, clear them out of the way so that Team B can get them out of the path. Ok teams, get into positions. Because the war is about to START." Ten said with a smirk.

" Ten said with a smirk

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