The Truth 87

469 18 4

((Hi, I'm so sorry for your hearts in this chapter and the next in advance 🥲 ))

It's been a few days, and Crip, for the most part, has stayed in or near the house. It sure was..lonely, without Victor here.
Maybe it's because he's so used to being around a gang.

Luckily Victor steps through the door, and he's dressed in all black. Reminds Crip of the way you'd dress for a funeral.

Victor: "Come with me. We've got something to settle."

Crip can feel himself tensing up. Was it time for Victors "plan" to be set in motion?

Regardless of his fear, Crip follows Victor to the car. They drive a good way out, and finally reach an abandoned building.

Well..Crip hoped it was abandoned.

Victor: "Don't freak out..just stay near me, ok?"

Crip looks curiously, until another vehicle appears, and Red gets out.

What the fuck is he doing here?! If O'Riley is an enemy now, Red sure as shit is too!
Crip swallows, hard, and follows Victor out of the car.

Victor: "All done?"

Red nods, and his eyes peer down at Crip.

Red: "He's had this coming for a long time."

Crip: "W-who?"

Red: "O'Riley."

Crip: "He' there?"

Crip asks, and points.

Red smirks: "Yeah, tied up all for you. Victor told me about him trying to off you..and you're apart of my gang, which means he's fucking with us now."

Crip: "You hurt me..."

Red glances to Victor, then back to Crip, as if he was contemplating something.

Victor: "Do it. He deserves to know now."

Crip blinks, and stares up at Red. His face was so serious, and he was so composed, while Crip was worried about what he was about to hear.

Red: "The gang rape. That was O'Rileys idea."

Crip: "What..."

Red: "O'Riley joined all of us that day because it was his plan in the first place. He said he wanted you raped, and killed, slowly. His exact words were for us to "let you die alone in that place. Little did we know, he came back and "saved" you, because he wanted you to join his gang."

Crip: "'re lying."

Red: "Afraid not. I knew he wanted to start his own gang. I didn't understand why he wanted you dead..he just said you'd betray the gang once he left. I believed that, since you spent a lot of time with him. Our agreement was, I have you raped and killed, and make sure you're stuck there to die, and O'Rileys new gang would stay out of our way. We took separate parts of the city, and up until recently, he did his part of the deal. See, he started having you all hit our spots. That's when they spotted you. You were alive."

Crip can feel his heart aching. Literally, painfully, breaking apart. O'Riley, was always the bad guy. He's the reason Crip had his ankle broken. He's the reason Crip was gang raped, twice.

Victor: "Now that you get to decide his fate. I'm going to do whatever you want. You just need to say the words."

Crip: "I..."

Crip had tears in his eyes, but he can't just decide like this.

Crip: "I need to see him."

Red: "Go on in. I'll be keeping watch."

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