Frustrated 106

229 9 5

//Hi! So these are FULL of mistakes, as I have no beta reader and I'm too lazy to re-read my own works because I'm a horrible writer 🤣 if you happen to spot a mistake, feel free to show me where and I'll fix the word! They get misspelled often. Thanks for reading though! This book is actually nearing its END. So enjoy while you can ☺️ I look for it to maybe last another year, if that. //

They end up leaving the coffee shop, and Crip actually feels conflicted..on one hand, Jake apologized, and even somehow respected Victor..but he kept mentioning Jameson. The guilt, knowing he was the one who killed Jameson, was eating away at him. Even if Jake had hurt and betrayed him..he didn't deserve to have a family member killed.

Victor: "Are you alright birdie?"

Crip snaps back into reality, quickly looking up to Victor. They'd been walking in complete silence.

Crip: "I'm fine..."

Victor: "Mm.."
What's with that sound?
Crip: "Really..I'm okay."

There's more silence, only the sound of their shoes tapping the concrete, as they continue walking.

Victor: "Is there..any particular reason you're lying to me or-?"

Damn him!

Crip: "I'm not!"

Suddenly Victor grabs him by the arms, and stops him dead in his tracks.

Victor: "You are." His head is lowered, and it's obvious he's a bit irritated. Crips expression is scared, but he quickly remembers who it is that has him. It's just Victor..he's just worried.

Crip: "I-I...I'm just overthinking.."

Victors grip loosens, and his voice softens.
Victor: "About Jameson?"
Crip flinches at the name, making Victor sigh.

Victor: "Yeah..I thought that might've made you uncomfortable..I'm sorry."

Crip: "It's ok..just..a lots happened..and now there's someone trying to hurt me and I don't know who."

Victor: "Birdie, I told you, you're safe as long as you're with me. You don't have to be afraid..I'll always protect you."

Crip: "I know..It's just scary, because..."

Should he say it? It might make Victor even more on edge. It might make him freak out..but he has to know..

Crip: "That man..he knew I used to have sex with a lot of people."

Victors widen a bit.

Crip: "But he said I liked it, as if he thought I still did that. He didn't know about you at all..and someone had to tell him that."

Victor doesn't speak. Instead, he looks deep in thought.

Crip: "'s cold.."

Victor let's go, only to grab his wrist and pull him along. His grip is tight..whys he rushing?

Crip: "V-Victor-my wrist.."
He whines, and Victor stops just long enough to move his hand down into Crips. He holds his hand firmly, and continues pulling him along towards the Phantoms hideout. Once they're there, Victor brings him to Reds office, and sits him in one of the chairs.

Red puts down the book he's reading, eyes glued to Victor.

Victor: "Okay, we've got a problem."

Red: "Uhhh...okay? What's the problem?"

Victor: "Someone kidnapped Crip, and this guy knew way too much information. So it had to come from someone in one of these gangs. Yours or O'Rileys."

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