Jamesons Story 67

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Their lips are together, and Jameson's shirts off.
He's very muscular, Crip can feel his strength behind every thrust. Through his unbuckled jeans, he pounds into the smaller male, making his gasp out for air between the kisses.

Crip hadn't expected Jameson to be gay. He certainly didn't seem the part. Bisexual maybe, but not just straight out gay. Usually men this good looking attract women of all sorts. Beautiful ones, looking for a hard working man dripping with good looks as well.

Soon it's all over, and Jameson is wide awake, and looks tense.

Jameson: "You..really won't tell anyone?"

Crip shakes his head: "No. I'm not like that."

Jameson: "Good. Don't make me regret letting you slip by."

Crip looks down at his bare arms. Their laid in the bed, leaning up against the bed frame.

Jameson: "Your arms...were you abused?"

Crip glances to him, shocked he'd even ask.

Crip: "Y-Yeah...my mother was a prostitute who pimped me out at a young age. That's why I...sleep around."

Jameson: "Ah. I wondered about that."

Crip stays quiet for a moment, then speaks openly.
Crip: "I didn't expect you to sleep with men."

Jameson's eyes get big.

Jameson: "I uh..I was raped at a young age. The guy was some older man, who'd raped another boy in the neighboring town. After that I just couldn't look at a women that way."

Crip: "I see."
He says softly, setting a hand on Jameson's wrist.
Crip: "I'm sorry. The world is cruel."

Jameson clears his throat, and moves his hand over a bit.

Jameson: "It's fine. That's why I became a police officer."

Crip: "True."

Silence again.

Crip: "Well, if it's alright, I'd like to go home now.."

Jameson: "Go ahead. I'll find you when I need it again."

Crip nods and gets up, gets dressed, and leaves.
He sighs in relief once he closes his apartment door.

Jameson was so serious and so tense. It was hard for Crip to really like him at all really.

Still, this was a good opportunity. It would benefit him in the long run. He can sway the police, and hopefully, this will benefit the Reapers as well.

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