47 Caught Again

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Months go by. He still doesn't find out anything about Victor. Crip is so curious, and slightly annoyed. He didn't like not knowing things about Victor.

Crip: "I'm hanging out with Jake this evening."

Victor: "Ok...so?"

Crip: "So you need to leave me alone..go find something else to do."

Victor: "You're saying I can't come?"

Crip nods.

Victor: "Hm..why?"

Crip: "W-why? Because Victor, I don't need you following me around twenty four seven. I'm allowed to hang out with friends on my own..."

Victor looks worried, but Crip wasn't wrong, right? He was allowed some freedom, and Jake had mentioned before that Victor scared him. Victor did give off an aggressive and tense vibe whenever they saw Jake at the coffee shop. He and Crip had grown closer. Crip considered him a good friend at this point, but in order to get to know Jake more, he needed some privacy.

Victor: "I don't like that guy."

Crip: "What's Jake done?"

Victor: "Nothing..yet."

Crip: "Don't judge him..you don't even know him."

Victor: "Alright alright."
Victor sighs.
Victor: "I'll leave. I don't wanna argue with you."

Crip nods.
Crip: "Good...I just need some space.."

Victor: "Alright. I'll return whenever you're ready. How about that?" He says calmly, setting a patient hand on the smaller mans shoulder.

Crip can't help but smile a bit. He nods, and soon Victor is gone. He needed to know more about Victor. These secrets made Crip feel weary of him.

It wasn't long before Jake was outside. Crip walks out, and follows Jake down the street.

Jake: "No Victor today?"

Crip smiles a bit.
Crip: "I figured we could have some us time, you know?"
Jake smiles back.
Jake: "Yeah, I like that. I found out some things about Victor and I'm worried about you hanging out with him..."

He found some things out?

Crip: "Like what?"

Jake stops, dead in his tracks.
Jake: "Are you..in a gang?"

Crip feels his entire world shift, and he sinks into his shoes. Why would he ask him that?

Crip: "W-why would you ask me that? Of course not.."

Jake: "Victors in a gang."

Crips eyes widen.

Crip: "I didn't know..are you sure?"

Jake: "I know for a fact he is. That's why I'm worried about you hanging out with him. I could care less what he does, but I can't sit by and know he could hurt you."

Crip: "Victor would never hurt me. He protects me."

Jake: "From what?"

Crip swallows. He needs to protect Victor.

Crip: "Ok.."

There's silence.

Crip: "I'm the one in the gang. Victor isn't apart of the gang, he's just following me."

Jake: "R-really?"

Crip nods: "Victors a good man."

Jake: "Everett...I didn't think it was true.."


Suddenly Crips face is being smashed again the wall of an old brick building.
He lets out a pained sound, struggling against someone who's pinning him.

The sound of metal clicks, and Crip realizes he's been cuffed.

He turns around, seeing Officer Jameson.

Crip: "J-Jake?"

Jake: "I'm sorry.."

Crips eyes are wide. He can't believe it. He's been caught.

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