Bye Boy 90

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Crip: "What about Duke?"

Victor: "I have made arrangements for him. He's a good dog, but he's a police dog..he'd never really be able to adapt to us, especially when we're gone for days."

Crip: "Ok..can I ask who is getting him then?"

Victor glances over to him, giving him a soft smile.

Victor: "Nick Laws."

Crips eyes widen a bit. Why did that name sound familiar?

Victor: "He wanted to meet you as well, so I told him I'd bring the German Shepherd over myself."

Crip: "Are you sure it's safe? What if guys just trying to trap us?"

Victor chuckles a bit: "No need to be so jumpy birdy. I know him pretty well. He doesn't mess with my side of the city."

His side of the city? The mafia?
He decides not to say much more on the matter..he'd just have to trust Victor. Which, honestly, wasn't that hard.

They arrive at an apartment complex, and go all the way to the pent house. Victor rings the doorbell, holding onto Dukes leash, and a man dressed in a long coat answers the door. His hair is black, he's got a five o clock shadow, and blue eyes. Suddenly Crip remembers the name. Jameson mentioned this guy when he was tied up before he....died.

Crip can feel his legs start to tremble. This guy was in on Jameson's plan. He wonders if Nick Laws somehow knew he'd died by the gang he was going after.


He can't think straight, and his heart almost skips a beat when his blue eyes sink to him.

Nick Laws: "Vic, who is this little fellow?"

Victor smirks, wrapping an arm around him.

Victor: "This is my boyfriend, Everett."

Nick Laws: "'re the one that's in the gang Jameson and I were going after."


Crip doesn't know what to say. Should he deny it? He can't say he left the gang, that would look even more suspicious.

Nick Laws: "I..wanted to speak with you Everett. I know your gang leader killed Jameson."

Crip: "I-I didn't-"

Nick Laws: "I know you didn't mean for it to happen. Jameson really liked you, you know? He told me, you weren't like the rest of them..his plan was to get you away from the rest of the gang, and keep you handcuffed in his house. I was supposed to come get you, that way you wouldn't get arrested with the gang members..when I arrived, I didn't find you, nor Jameson..I didn't need to see his body to know what happened...One day your leader is going down..but you, will be safe when that day comes. I will protect you from the law, for Jameson sake. It was his one wish."

Crip: "We're you two..friends?"

Nick Laws: "Good friends.."

Crip: "I'm so sorry.."

Nick Laws: "Not your fault chap."

Victor: "He's right. It's not your fault. No matter what you might think birdy."

Crip suddenly feels warm, and happy. These two men were on his side..they would protect him. It was nice having Victors connections.

Nick Laws: "Now, enough about that, this must be Duke. Jameson's k9."

Victor: "Yeah. He's a good dog. I thought you'd like to keep him, rather than he be sent back to service."

Nick Laws: "Well Vic I appreciate it. I promise, I'll take excellent care of him."

Nick Laws takes the leash, and Duke sniffs him, then wags his tail a bit.

Nick Laws: "Duke, sit."

The dog sits on command. Nick Laws was a better owner for him. He obviously knew how to handle an officer k9. Crip smiles a bit, and pets Duke softly.

Crip: "Bye boy."

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