Courage 102 (TRIGGERS)

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// strangulation + blood and gore warning here!! //

His eyes openly slowly, and he immediately feel the pressure. He's on the floor.

Crip: "Where am I?.." he whispers, scanning the room. There's prison bars to the right of him, thankfully nobody was behind them.

He starts to get up, and feels something tug on his good leg. Ah. His good legs been shackled. Someone shackled him to a post here in the corner of the room.
Sex traffickers maybe?

He shifts, not able to stand, but can at least sit against the wall. Someone opens the large doors, the only exit to this room, and Crip doesn't recognize this man.
He's huge. Muscle was everywhere on him, and he was tall.

"So you finally woke up huh? You've been out for quite a while now."

Crip: "Who...are you?"

The man smirks.
"I'm nobody. Just some lowlife, like you."

Crip: "P-please, I didn't mean to trespass. If you let me go-"

"Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you."

Crip immediately stops talking. It has to be a rival gang, right? O'Riley didn't mention any gangs in this area though.

Suddenly, Crip realizes, the man is staring at his body instead of his face.

"You're pretty slim. Hm. I guess, since I'm not getting paid what I wanted, I can have a little fun. You like that shit anyways, don't you~"

How'd he know that? Did someone tell this man who he was and what he used to do with other gang members? 
His thoughts are quickly interrupted, because the man start walking closer. Crips green eyes widen, and as the man kneels down, he starts to resist. That only seemed to piss the man off. He tries yet again to tug is hoodie off, and Crip jerks his arms down as hard as he can, keeping the hoodie on him at all costs.
The man growls under his breath, and rears back his fist.
Ah...he's going to get beat.
Sure enough, the man hits him about three times. It's enough to make his nose bleed and his black eye worse.
Crip stopped resisting, looking up at the man, who's smirking right back down. His eyes start to swell with tears, and the warmth of the blood coming from his nose drips down his lips and off of his chin.

This is just karma isn't it? He deserved this...He deserved every single thing that's coming to him.

Suddenly there's a familiar sound, the doors opening yet again. Crips eyes are still wide, but he can't see who's behind the man.

"You've got something that belongs to me."

Crips heart almost stops. That's Victor!

The man stands, turning to look directly into cold blue eyes.

Victor: "And I don't like people touching my things."

His voice was low, calm, and yet threatening all at the same time.

"The fuck-how'd you get in here?"

Victor: "All your men have been killed. You are the only one left. I suggest you think about your next move wisely."

"Who do you think you are?"

Oh he's pissed..

Victor: "You can walk away, but you're gonna tell me who put you up to this."

Suddenly the man chuckles.

"I ain't telling you shit. You want this little prick? Then you're gonna have to take me down."

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