49 Institutionalized

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It's finally court day. Everett stands in front of a table, Helk by his side.

The judge enters, and everyone stands until he waves his arm to seat them back down.
As soon as the trial starts, Jameson calls Crip to the stand, and he can tell this is gonna be rough.

Jameson: "Mr. Wilson, do you recognize this man here?"

Crip looks over to Jake, sitting there at the table.
Crip nods: "Jake..."
Jameson: "Yes, Jake Banks. Jake was the one you admitted to. Correct?"

Think Crip..you can't admit it now.

Crip: "I don't remember.."

Jameson looks shocked, and slightly irritated.

Jameson: "I have you on tape, Mr. Wilson."

Crip narrows his eyes.
Crip: "I remember Jake asking me if I was in a gang, over and over. He wouldn't stop."

Jameson narrows his eyes back, and for a moment, they have a stare down.

Jameson: "Nothing further." He states, returning to his seat, and Doctor Helk stands up, walking towards Crip.

Helk: "Mr. Wilson, you said you remember Jake questioning you over and over. That he wouldn't stop."

Crip: "Yes."

Helk: "As my patient, Mr. Wilson has been diagnosed with Bi Polar Depression and Schizophrenia. Both of which leave him in another world at times. If Jake pressured Mr. Wilson, it's possible Mr. Wilson only told Jake what he thought Jake wanted to hear. It was the only way to make him stop pressuring him."

The judge and courtroom witnesses listen intently, some nodding to each other.

Judge: "Doctor. Is Mr. Wilson on any medication?"

Helk: "No your honor..he is afraid of medicine, and I haven't pressured him into taking any."

There's a moment of silence, until finally the judge speaks.

Judge: "Very well. I understand Mr. Wilson's state of mind, but we cannot ignore that he's not receiving proper treatment. I'm sending Mr. Wilson to a mental institution, where he can be introduced to medication under the supervision of the medical professionals there."

Helk: "E-excuse me, judge, Mr. Wilson is afraid of doctors! This sort of treatment will only cause him to lash out-"

Judge: "That is my decision Doctor. I will not let a man go untreated." He slams the wooden mallet down, and court is over.
Crip is put into cuffs and escorted out of the building.

Luckily Helk reaches him before he gets into the police car.

Helk: "Everett, I'm so sorry, I really thought this would help."

Crip smiles a bit.
Crip: "I'm sure this place will be better than prison. Thank you Helk."

Helk frowns deeper.
Helk: "I hope so. I'll try to find out how long they'll be keeping you. Just..try to listen to the doctors there."

Crip nods, and gets into the police car.

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