15 Larson

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Crip and J-Dog arrive at the hideout, seeing a few of the others.
Charlie: "There's my baby~"
Charlie chimes, wrapping an arm around the smaller man.
J-Dog: "Who's taking him tonight?"
Knots: "I got him tonight."
Knots says quickly, holding a hand up.
Crip locks eyes with the red headed man.
Knots simply smiles.
Knot: "I've got no plans tonight."


Crip stays near Knots for the rest of the day, and in the evening, follows him home.
Knots lives in a house like J-Dog, relatively normal. It's only when he enters the house does he see the nicer furniture.

Knots: "Food?"
He asks, and Crip nods, following Knots into the kitchen.
The red headed man grabs a few things out of the fridge and puts together some sandwiches and a couple drinks.
As Crip sits down he can tell Knots is out of it.

They sit in silence for a bit, eating as if everything was ok. However, a phone call quickly interrupts the peace.
Knots answers it and heads into the other room.

Crip can hear what sounds like a heated argument, something about inheritance and fairness of life. Whoever is on the phone, they obviously are not happy with Knots.

After a few more minutes Knots hangs up on the person, and returns into the kitchen.

Crip: "You ok?" He asks politely, not sure if he needed to interject or not.

Knots: "Yeah. Having some family issues."

Crip blinks, and takes a sip of his drink.

Knots: "You'd think your brother would have some common sense, but I guess that doesn't run in a family."

Woah, that's harsh.

Crip: "I don't have any siblings..but I bet that can be hard at times. Do you ever get along with your brother?"

Knots: "Ah.."
He runs his fingers through his hair.
Knots: "When we were younger. He grew up and started acting like a brat. Then it was me, me, me."

So, this is a case of jealousy?

Knots: "My brother went down the wrong path...I guess that sounds funny coming from me."

Crip: "I mean..we are in a gang..."

Knots: "Yeah. Yeah we are. I just always hid my life from my family, you know. My brother just never did hide. He was different. Bolder. Harder on our parents."

Crip: "So what happened?"

Knots: "My parents both just passed away in a nursing home. They say my father died then it wasn't too long after, my mother died as well. Turns out my father left the family inheritance to me."

Crip: "And your brother isn't too happy about that."

Knots: "Yeah, he's pissed. He said, Larson, split it with me. Why would I ever do that? It was left to me because I was the only one who took care of them in their old age. He didn't even come to visit."

Crip: "Wow. He does sound like a brat."

Knots: "He is."

Crip thinks for a moment. He just learned something.

Crip: "So your name is Larson?"

Knots stares up at him with a bit of surprise. Did he...not mean to reveal his real name? Knots was usually very secretive about himself.

Knots: "Heh. I guess you know now. You better not tell a soul."

Crip: "I won't. I promise."

Knots smiles a bit.

Knots: "You wanna do it?"

Crip shrugs.

Crip: "I'll do whatever you want. Sounds like you need a stress reliever."

Knots chuckles a bit.

Knots: "You sure you can handle it?"

Crip smiles.

Crip: "Of course I can."

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