34 The Truth

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It's evening now. Victors been following him around all day, just like usual.

Why has he been following him and protecting him if Red gave him an order to stop? Should he say something?

Crip: "So uh...Red gave me a choice this morning."

Victor leans forward on the sofa in the upstairs room.

Victor: "Yeah?"

Crip: "He told me..if I didn't sleep with someone today, he'd punish me."

Victors eyes are suddenly wide. Seems he didn't expect that.

Victor: "And you haven't slept with anyone today?"

Crip shakes his head.
Crip: "He's just looking for a reason to get me. Even if I did sleep with someone, he'd just find another excuse to get at me...you know it's true too..."

Victor frowns a bit.
Victor: "I suppose that is true."

Crip: "And uh.."

There's silence. Victor looks at him curiously, ready for what he had to say next.

Crip: "Red said he gave you orders to stop following me days ago."

Victor suddenly looks caught. Almost..embarrassed?

Crip: "Why've you been following me?"

Victor: "Why?..." he pauses, almost sounding as if he didn't want to answer.
Victor: "I..you didn't tell him I was still protecting you from the others did you?"

Did he just change the subject? Wait..

Crip: "Well..I asked how I was supposed to sleep with anyone with you protecting me...was that bad?"

Victor looks worried now.

Victor: "N-no..it's alright. Just uh..you might wanna stay after everyone leaves. Not best to make him chase after you."

Crip nods, feeling scared now. Why was he worrying? Does Victor know something he doesn't know?

Victor: "I'm gonna go have a word with Red..see if I can help this situation. You stay in the hideout."

Crip nods, and Victor disappears down the stairs.

Something felt wrong.

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