22 Tobias

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Crip walks into the hideout, his hair a complete mess, and the bags under his eyes heavy.
His eyes meet Tobi, who is quick to approach him.

Tobi: "You coming with me tonight?"
Crip nods, clearly exhausted from the night he had. Tobi smiles a bit.
Tobi: "Don't worry. I won't hurt you."
Crip smiles a little bit, as if to thank him.

Tobi, aka Tobias, was his favorite in the whole gang. He was so calm, so peaceful, so nice. He didn't even seem like the type to be in a gang, but he was a lot like Crip. They were the bad guys.

Simply because life dealt them bad cards.

He had a scar on his neck, and Crip had read in the headlines one time where his family was killed. Apparently the killer slashed Tobi's neck, but it didn't kill him.

Apparently they never caught the guy, but he had heard Tobi tell the boss they actually never even tried to catch the guy. So Tobi wanted to join the gang to tear down this city.


He was a lot like Crip.

Crip: "Mind if I..get some coffee sometime today? I've been without and I feel awful."

Tobi: "Yeah, I'll take to that coffee shop you like so much. I think I'll drink some too."

Crip smiles and over in the evening they go to the Coffee Spoon, Crips favorite coffee shop.
When he steps through the door he's greeted by a man with brown hair.

Barista: "Been wondering where you've been."
Crip remembers this guy. He was here when Charlie came with him.

Crip: "Hello. You sure do remember faces huh?"

Barista: "Nah, just yours. You kinda stand out, you know?"

Crip: "I..do?"

Barista: "Well yeah, you've always got that black eye."


Crip: "I get into a lot of fights." Crip laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Barista: "Is that so? You must be a tough little guy."

Crip shrugs.
Barista: "So what'll it be today sir?"

Crip: "Everett..you can call me Everett."

Barista: "Well then you can call me Jake."

Crip smiles, Tobi looks suspiciously.

Crip: "Today I'd like a large vanilla latte, light ice."

Jake grins.
Jake: "You got it, and for you sir?"
Tobi: "Espresso, medium."

The two go sit at the bar, and Tobi leans over.

Tobi: "He's uh..friendly."

Crip nods: "Yeah, he remembers me since I come in here so much."

Tobi: "I guess that makes sense. Still, kinda strange.."

Crip shrugs, and soon the two have their coffee. They head to Tobi's house as they drink, both being rather quiet. Until Tobi starts to talk.

Tobi: "So, you've had a rough week huh?"

Crip nods: "Oh yeah..it's been rough. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything-I just wish I could catch a break more often, you know?"

Tobi smiles, unlocking the door.
Tobi: "Yeah, if I were in your shoes I'd want some peace too."

He was so understanding.
Tobi: "You can definitely get a break tonight. I know you've had it rough. I can see it all over your face."

Crip: "Tobi I gotta ask...why're you in our gang?"

Tobi: "Hm?"

Crip: "Well..you're just so compassionate and nice. You don't really fit in with everyone else in the gang."

Tobi: "Well..when me family was murdered, I met someone on the bus one evening. He asked about my neck, what happened, and I told him the whole thing. This guy said if I ever find the guy who killed my family, I should kill him. He was the first person who thought like I did. Who thought, blood for blood, and thought that killing him was fair. Maybe we're both just crazy...but still. I felt like this guy understood me. I told him how I wanted to destroy this city, and watch it burn. That there was nothing for me here and that I'm tired of working a nine to five job for a government that doesn't give a damn about me. That's when he said something about a gang."

Crip: "That man must've been in a gang himself."

Tobi: "Crip..that man was O'Riley."


Crip: "No wonder you joined. He has a way with words."

Tobi: "What about you? You don't really belong in the gang either. You put up with so much shit, but you don't have to."

Crip: "O'Riley saved my life...for that I owe him everything. It's why I do everything I do for everyone in the gang."

Tobi: "Ah, he really has a hold on you. Aren't you afraid he'll betray you?"

Crip: "Betray me? O'Riley would never put me in any danger."

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