Chloroform 101

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Crip ended up going to bed and waking up alone. He was so depressed, he didn't even change out of his clothes..he just cried himself to sleep.
He slumps into the kitchen, where there was no sight of Victor. His eyes scan the rest of the apartment, finally landing on the antidepressants Helk had given him. He only used them once, and they made him feel sick and dizzy...but right now he wanted to die. He chased Victor away..what was the point in living?
Somehow he couldn't fathom the thought of going back to his old life.
Yet, he found himself to be too much of a wimp to ever actually kill himself. Would it really be so hard to just take a handful of those pills?
Surely that'd be enough to kill him.

His mind starts imaging what might happen. His heart rate would probably increase. He'd start shaking uncontrollably, maybe even have a seizure..then, probably vomit as an attempt to survive, only to die there on the floor in pain, hallucinating the entire time. To overdose would be...

He shakes his head at the thought.
Suddenly there's a knock at the door, and Crip rushes to answer it, thinking it's Victor. Once he unlocks and opens the door, he realizes it's not Victor.

It's fucking Charlie. He tries to shut the door but Charlie quickly holds the door open.

Charlie: "Woah, calm your tits. Boss sent me to check on you. You're fuckin late."

That's when Charlie's eyes scan the apartment behind Crip.

Charlie: "Hm~ Where's your guard dog?"
He smirks.

Shit. Even if he says Victors nearby, he'll know it's a lie.

Crip: "B-back off..I will tell him if you try anything."

Charlie's smirk quickly falls.

Charlie: "Right. Well, if you ever get tired of being his pet, you know where to find me baby."

Crip feels nauseous just thinking about having sex with Charlie again.

Crip: "Did O'Riley need anything or he just wants me there?"

Charlie: "We need you, like before nightfall if at all possible your highness."

Crip scowls at that attitude.

Crip: "Fine. I'm coming."

The two head to the hideout, and Crip is on edge. What if Victor never comes back? He can only use the 'I'll tell' card for so long..

Charlie: "Go see O'Riley. We gotta move."

Everyone seems rushed, and as he enters O'Rileys office, he can see he is as well.

O'Riley: "There you are, about damn time."
He's angry..
O'Riley: "Where's Victor?"

Crip: "H-he had some things to do today.."

O'Riley: "Hm..well, maybe you can handle it on your own. Your limp shouldn't be a problem."

Crip: "What..what am I doing?"

O'Riley: "Simple. All we need you to is hit an alarm on a building across the city. This'll be the distraction, while Charlie, Bear, and Knots rob a bank. This hit will give us all a good bit of cash."

Crip: "Will I be able to escape before the police arrive?"

O'Riley: "There's a busy park right down the street from the building, just sit on a bench there and act natural. After the cops are gone, you can leave. If you need a ride, I can send Prophet to pick you up."

Crip: "N-no, that's not necessary."

O'Riley shrugs. Crip was creeped out by Prophet. The man was a walking cult.

O'Riley: "Think you can handle all that?"

Crip nods. He can do this. It's just an alarm. He doesn't have to be in the actual crime this time.

After a while, Crip gets dropped off near the building.

Switch: "I took care of all the surveillance already, so nobody will see you set it off. Just take the alley way to get to the park. Don't want the cameras across the street to record you."

Crip nods, and slides out of the van. He watches as Switch drives off, before heading towards the building.
He gets familiar with the street, spotting the pathway to the park nearby.
Yeah..he can do this. He heads towards the back of the building, and spots a fire exit. That's it. That's the alarm set off. It's right inside that door.
Slowly, he opens the door, then quickly pulls the fire alarm and then he runs as fast as he can.
It doesn't take long to reach the park. He sits on the furthest bench, ordinary people surrounding him in the benches nearby and the field in front of him.

After a few minutes he can hear sirens. The fire department would figure out there was no fire. Then the police will come, to investigate a break in. O'Riley might be a selfish prick but he does think these jobs out.

He waits around, until almost nightfall. Then he gets up, and starts walking. The thought of Victor being at home gave him that extra pep in his step. He wanted to see him..apologize. Tell Victor that he still loves him. That it's okay.

A hand comes out of no where. All he can smell is this strong odor coming from the cloth over his nose and mouth.

"Sure this is him?"
A mans voice echos. Everything's moving, is this a drug?

Everything starts going black, and as his eyes roll back and close, the last thought he has is of Victor.

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