1 Reapers

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He wakes up, dull green eyes staring straight up at the ceiling. His alarm is screeching beside him, blaring one of his favorite songs.
It's time to get up and get to work, and by work, I mean the gang hideout.
Yeah, this guys a gang member.
He stands, grabbing his cellphone and checking it. There's a message from Charlie. Of course, Charlie's already pestering him about showing up earlier.

He gets to his feet, and stretches. Tugging on some blue jeans and a white shirt, he heads into the living room, then right into the kitchen. His apartment was small, but it was home.

He adds water and coffee grounds to the black coffee pot on the counter, and opens a cabinet full of coffee cups as it brews with a sizzle. Soon he's sipping on the coffee, watching the weather channel. No rain, which was always good. It was cool out, but not bone chilling cold. Nice enough to wear his favorite hoody.

He finished up the coffee and sets the cup in the sink. In the kitchen sink he then brushes his teeth and heads for the door.
He slips on his black converse shoes and his favorite black hoody with a smiley face on it. Then he's off, limping down the street as he walks the familiar path. He finally reaches the abandoned factory's and buildings, then turns down an alley. Another turn to the right and on down there's a chain fence, and the doors leading to the yard. The building inside the gates is the gang hideout. They are called the Reapers.
Two members are outside in the chairs, keeping lookout. That would be Switch and Tobi.
They nod at him as he enters, their way of saying hello quietly. No time for chit chat. He needs to head on in and see O'Riley, the leader of their gang.

However, as he steps through the door he's greeted by none other than Charlie, who's grinning wildly.

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