26 The Swap

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It's 5am, and someone's knocking at the door.
Crips eyes are half lidded, and he's mad as hell.
Who the fuck is at his door this goddamn early in the morning?

He slumps out of bed and opens the door, the same pissed off look on his face.

It's Charlie, and this pisses Crip off even more.

Crip: "Oh, it's you..." He states, his voice obviously not amused by his presence.
Charlie: "Boss told me to come get your ass for the swap. I don't wanna be up this early either you know.."
Crip blinks, curling his lips back a bit in detest.
Crip: "Fine but I'm getting coffee first. Too early for this shit."
Charlie rolls his eyes as Crip shuts the door, going to get dressed.

After a while he comes back out holding a to-go cup of coffee with a lid and the two head to the hideout. When they arrive, O'Riley is outside, waiting for Crip.

O'Riley: "There you are. A bit late."
Charlie: "Princess here had to get coffee."
O'Riley smiles a bit. Seems he expected no less from Crip.
O'Riley: "You ready for this?"
Crip nods: "I'm ready."
O'Riley: "Good..lets get going. They'll be waiting."
Crip nods, and follows, but Charlie quickly grabs his wrist and twists him back around.

Charlie: "If they kill you, we'll kill them all."
That's reassuring...
Crip: "Thanks.."
O'Riley: "He'll be fine." O'Riley says calmly, continuing to walk. Crip then follows.
None of them knew what to expect. Crip knew even O'Riley wasn't sure of the outcome here. He was just putting on an act as if he didn't care.

O'Riley: "Do as Red says, even if it's tough. That's probably your best bet."
Crip: "Yes sir.."
O'Riley: "-and Crip."
Crip: "Yeah?"
O'Riley: "Don't forget who your real boss is."
Crip smiles a bit.

They near an abandoned building, and there, in the parking lot, stands two people.
O'Riley clenches his fists, seemingly nervous at the sight of another individual. As they get closer, Crip makes note of the other male. He was bald. There wasn't even any hair on his eyebrows.

Red: "O'Riley."
O'Riley: "Red..thought we were supposed to be meeting one on one."
Red: "This is my second in command. He'll be staying with Everett to ensure his safety..and ours."

O'Riley makes a face but nods.
O'Riley: "Two weeks, then we meet again. Keep him safe, or else we'll have a war on our hands."
Red: "Understood."

O'Riley looks to Crip, who hesitantly walks over to Red.

O'Riley turns to leave, and oddly enough, so does Red.

Red: "Victor, you know what to do."

Victor nods and looks down at Crip.

Victor: "Victor Capone. My gang name is Oddball."
He holds out a hand, and Crip shakes it. He's more friendly than he appeared.

Crip: "Everett...you can call me Crip."

Victor smiles.
Victor: "I've been assigned to watch over you, for both our benefits. Some of the gang members were around before, when you were apart of the gang."

Crip: "Y-Yeah..so you won't let them hurt me?"

Victor: "That's what Red instructed."

He did?

Crip: "Why?"

Victor: "Who knows. Maybe he really wants to use you for something in particular."

Crip blinks, but shrugs the thoughts away.

Victor: "So, I heard you really like coffee. How about we get some after you see the gang hideout? A lots changed since you've been gone."

Oh he's good.

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