40 History

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Victor: "I don't like people hitting you."

Crip looks down, ashamed.

Crip: "I'm..not good at fighting."

Victor smiles a bit.

Victor: "There's nothing wrong with that. You're just a good person."

Crip: "I'm not a good person..."

Victor: "You ever kill someone?"

Crip looks up.
Crip: "I helped. That's the same thing isn't it?"

Victor: "You?"
Crip: "When I was younger..my mother was a prostitute, and my father was a mechanic. My father wanted to have a kid, so he paid my mother to keep me alive. She had me, kept me, held me over my fathers head for money. Then my father got a great lawyer and fought for custody. He won, and I went to live with him."

Victor: "Was he a good guy?"

Crip: "Oh he was the best. But I had to go and screw it up..He let me sit in the drivers seat, while he worked on a vehicle. I was so young..so I didn't know..somehow the car got put into neutral, and it ended up running over my father. He died before the cops could get there."

Victor: "So you think you killed your father?"

Crip nods.

Victor: "We all make mistakes as a kid..that wasn't entirely your fault."

Crip: "Oh it gets worse. My mother ended up getting me after his death. Since my father wasn't around to pay her, she decided to put me to work."

Victor: "Oh?"

Crip: "Yeah. Basically she pimped me out. Old men would come into my bedroom at night, that sorta thing. So, on top of that, I was ordered to go to school. I had a friend. Peter. He was a good kid, but he was a lot like me. We got picked on a lot, bullied, and worst..molested at the school by the principle. We were his favorites."

Victor: "What happened?"

Crip: "One day he found me. Told me he had a gun. He was gonna shoot the principle and some of the bullies since they'd all be on the football field that day."

Victor: "Ah..you knew, but you didn't stop him?"

Crip: "They got what they deserved. Of course I kept my mouth shut.

Victor: "That's what you mean by, helped."

Crip nods.

Victor: "I like that about you. You're tough when you gotta be. Ruthless..and somehow you're still very humble and kind. Not like the rest of us in the gangs."

Crip: "But Victor, you're kind too."

Victor frowns a bit.
Victor: "You don't know all of me."

Crip: "I think I like all of you."

Victor laughs a bit.
Victor: "Cute."

Crip blushes a bit. Victor was...odd.

A Dark World (old-please see new book) Where stories live. Discover now