Coming Home

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Reyna's POV

Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Reyna Echizen, I am Ryoga's twin sister. I have a little brother Ryoma, my father Nanjiroh who was a former tennis pro who had met my mother Rinko in America and became a family and had us. We all had a passion with tennis as Nanjiroh had taught us the basics of tennis at a young age. I have long wavy blue hair with my fringe on the right side as Ryoga's and Ryoma's fringes are on their left side. Although Ryoga had disappeared from us for many years and haven't heard from him since. I miss him so much because he is my other half. Ryoma doesn't remember that much about him as he was really young then, but I had been praying for my brother to be safe and to show up out of the blue and let us know that he is okay. I worry constantly about him and Ryoma.

I actually went back to America to find Ryoga and bring him home, but he's a difficult boy to track down. I spent years tracking him down and I had a gut feeling that he may still be alive and that's what matters, but I had to see him just incase. I searched everywhere, but came to a dead end as I sighed in defeat and went back to the airport to travel back to Japan. I checked in, waited for my plane number and boarded my plane and into my seat number when I looked at my plane ticket.


I sighed as I had arrived back home and went to my bedroom. I was absolutely shattered after searching for Ryoga. Maybe he didn't want to be found, but what else could I do? I don't want to give up and sit around doing nothing. I thought to myself. I knew Ryoma would be at school already and I should get ready for school as well. I got up and put my uniform on which was way different than the girls in Seigaku because their uniforms were simple whereas mine wasn't that simple. I didn't like the uniform so I had improvised it more, showing a little bit of my flesh from the hips. I was a simple girl, but the girls at school have been some what jealous of me because the boys keep giving me attention which I wasn't bothered about. Some may say that I am popular.

I walked to school and went straight to the tennis courts as I had some tennis practice with Ryoma and the team. I went into the changing rooms to change into my tennis gear and grabbed my racquet, then headed towards the others. I heard the boys talking and laughing together whilst playing tennis. I heard Eiji cheering with excitement.

I smiled and walked over to them. "Ohayou minna, how are you doing?" I was surprised when Eiji turned around and instantly hugged me which was a bit awkward, but I didn't care much and so I hugged him back. "Someone is a bit excited to see me."

Eiji kept his arms around me as he replied back. "Of course I am. You're cute! Nya~," he smiled.

I giggled with embarrassment. "Arigatou Eiji, you're cute too, but can you please let go of me? We have to practice."

Eiji pouted which made me chuckle, but he had obeyed my orders. I looked around and noticed Tezuka wasn't around which made me frown. "Uh, where's Tezuka?"

Oishi smiled and replied. "He said that he would come in a bit. Apparently he had something important to do," he shrugged.

I frowned even deeper as I thought about that and it made me curious. That does sound like Tezuka. I shook my head to get that thought out of my head. I turned to Oishi who was the vice-captain of the team. "Hey Oishi, who are we playing against when the tournaments come up?"

Oishi smiled. "We are playing against Shitenhouji, which is gonna be interesting," he replied.

"Interesting how?"

"Well the team are what they call themselves comedians when they play tennis and their captain is kinda into it as well." Oishi explained.

I raised my eyebrow in more interest. The captain? I wonder if he's hot. I smiled to myself as that thought came up.

"Eh? Reyna-chan is smiling!" exclaimed Momoshiro.

I blushed and turned my head away in embarrassment whereas the guys were laughing and started teasing me. I looked over to my brother, who was sitting by himself. I should go over and talk to him. With that thought, I went over and stood beside Ryoma to get his attention. When he glanced up at me, I smiled and motioned beside him. "May I?"

Ryoma shrugged which meant that I got my invitation. I sat next to him with my knees upto my chest and glanced at him. "How are you doing, chibisuke?"

Ryoma glanced at me again. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well it seems to me that something is bothering you. If there's anything that you want to talk about, you know that I'm always here for you, Ryoma. I am you're big sister after all," I smiled to him whilst patting his knee in comfort. When he didn't say anything back, I noticed that he had avoided eye contact. Then I guessed what it was that bothered him. "It's about Ryoga, isn't it?"

Ryoma nodded with sadness. I felt sorry for him because he didn't know much about our brother. "I don't know why he disappeared like that. Have I did something wrong?" asked Ryoma.

"No of course not. Ryoma, we don't know why he left us behind and I wish I knew and get answers from him. Do you know why I had gone away for a couple of days?" I asked whilst wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Ryoma shook his head. "It was because I went to search for Ryoga to get some answers of why he left us without an explaination and I was gonna bring him back home where he belongs. With us," I whispered the last two words.

Ryoma's eyes went wide. "You went back to America to search for him? Did you find him?"

I sadly shook my head as I held back my tears. "No, I had hit a dead end."

We sat in silence for a few minutes and we didn't notice that the whole team were listening, but we didn't care. We heard Oishi say someone's name in shock. "Tezuka!"

We snapped our heads towards our captain as he stood there with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He glanced over at us with his usual stoic expression. "Why aren't you practicing?"

I frowned at him. "Gomen, I was just checking up on Ryoma because he was feeling down a bit," I replied back.

Tezuka nodded and gave orders to us. "Get on the court. I want to see what skill you have," he said to me. I nodded and grabbed my racquet which was a purple colour. I love purple.

Tezuka and I went on the court and I was serving the ball. I bent all the way down near the ground with my back and did a power serve that immediately got a point. I smiled as the umpire stuttered. "15-0."

"I'm just warming up buchou, be ready." I said and served again. Tezuka didn't move a muscle until it was game to me.

"Game to Reyna, 1-0."

We had continued to rally which took us about 10 minutes tops and eventually I won another game. "Game to Reyna, 2-0," said the umpire.

"Wow! Reyna-chan is really good! She's won two games already! Nya~" I heard Eiji with excitement and in awe.

I continued playing with Tezuka. What I realised with the ball is that it's heading towards Tezuka whilst he is standing in the same place. My eyes widened in amusement. "Tezuka Zone!" Momo exclaimed.

I smirked as I went into the same position and did a Samurai Zone. "You're not the only one that can pull off that move buchou," I said and everyone gasped. Tezuka's eyes widened in surprise as we both continued to rally.

The game ended with 6-5 and Tezuka won. I was panting so hard it was really hard to breathe properly. I looked up at Tezuka and he had extended his hand to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up so that I could stand again. He smiled at me. "Good work Reyna-chan, you have improved."

"Arigatou, Tezuka!" I smiled back and went back to the team.

A/N: well this is my first chapter done with my first anime fanfic. tell me what you guys think and I will update soon :)

Ryoga & Ryoma's SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora