The Fake Dinner

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Reyna's POV

I was in mine and Ryoma's room getting ready for going to dinner with the others. I was in the shower doing the usual cleaning and got out as I looked in the mirror, gazing at my own reflection. I decided to wear some light make-up and did my hair from straight to curly and half of my hair was tied up. The guys are gonna oggle you when they see you, my conscience told me. I smiled at myself and picked out my dress. It was a flowy light blue dress that had a low cut on the back and a pattern on the front. I applied some perfume to make it intoxicating. When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ryoma wearing a white tuxedo and a pink shirt. He looked very grown up. He turned around and saw me with his eyes widened in surprise. I smiled at him. "What is it, chibisuke? Have I got something on my face?" I jokingly asked my little brother.

Ryoma looked away and muttered under his breath. "You look nice, Nee-chan."

I smiled. "You look not bad yourself," I said and grabbed my hand bag. "You ready to go?"

Ryoma nodded and we both left our room and walked towards the dining room. We were the last ones to enter as people were staring at us. We ignored the stares and kept walking until we had arrived at our table. The guys turned towards us and were speechless as everyone was looking at me. Even Fuji's eyes were wide opened in surprise and shock. I smiled innocently at them all and went to my seat which was inbetween Fuji and Ryoma. Fuji stood up and pulled my chair back for me to sit as he gently pushed the chair in and sat back down in his chair next to me. "Arigatou, Fuji-kun!" I said and smiled sweetly at him.

He smiled back at me. "You look beautiful, Reyna-chan!" I giggled and blushed with embarassment.

I glanced around the hall and everyone around us. I glanced at Ryoga to see him talking to two girls on either side of him, flirting away whilst ignoring Sakurafubuki who was trying to introduce his team to us. "Captain!"

Ryoga stopped his conversation and then stood up and introduced himself. "Ryoga Echizen, captain of the team and is Reyna-chi's and chibisuke's brother. Thank you for keeping an eye on those two for me," he said and bowed in return to Tezuka and the team.

I ate a bit of my food, but then grimaced as it was horrible. I examined the food in front of me and frowned as realization had hit me. This isn't hand cooked, this is pre-packed food. What the hell is going on here? I thought to myself. I turned my head to Taka-san who was thinking of the same thing. We made eye contact and nodded once.

All of a sudden, I felt a bit light-headed and I grabbed my head as pain suddenly shot through. I stood up slowly. "Reyna-chan, are you okay?" Fuji asked worriedly.

I smiled a little as the others turned their gaze to me. "I'm okay, just feeling a bit dizzy. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to turn in for the night," I bowed to everyone and left the hall whilst staggering to my room. I was halfway through the corridor and as I remembered was that I collapsed and blacked out.


Fuji's POV

I'm worried about Reyna-chan when she left the hall. She didn't look too well as she walked away, but I could see her staggering a bit which was even more worrying. I glanced at Ryoma, the others and Ryoga-kun as they had similar expressions on their faces. I stood up. "I'm gonna go and see if Reyna-chan is alright. Excuse me," I said as I walked away and headed towards Reyna-chan's room. I was halfway across the hall as I had spotted someone collapsed on the ground, wearing a similar light blue dress. My eyes widened as I knew who that person was. "Reyna-chan!" I exclaimed as I ran and knelt beside her, removing her hair from her face. "Reyna-chan, can you hear me?" I asked. When I had no response, I lifted her body and carried her to her room.

Once I placed her gently on her bed, I took my phone out and messaged the team to get here as quickly as possible. I sat on her bed beside her whilst holding her hand. I sighed and started talking to her. "If you can hear me, Reyna-chan, just to let you know that we are here for you and that you're not alone. If you can hear my voice, squeeze my hand and let me know that you are okay. Please?" I whispered to her and suddenly felt her hand squeeze mine back lightly. That's a relief. I prayed for the guys to get here quickly.


Ryoma's POV

We were still sitting at the table and I was a bit confused of why both Nee-chan and Fuji-senpai left. Nee-chan did look a bit pale and she went back to our room, but Fuji-senpai left after her to make sure she was okay. This is weird and worrying at the same time. I heard our phones go off and we all looked at the message that Fuji-senpai sent us saying that Nee-chan had collapsed and we should go to the room ASAP. I turned my gaze to Nii-chan as he had a confused and a worried expression on his face. I nodded at him and we all left. We walked out of the hall and I heard the senpais talking about how the food wasn't quite right and Taka-senpai had said that they used pre-packed food.

Inui-senpai spoke next. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," he said and walked towards the bathroom.

"I'll come too, Inui-senpai!" I said and followed him in. We glanced around and I whispered. "It's nice in here."

Inui-senpai walked up to the wall. "Marbel walls," he said and scanned the wall until something caught his attention.

"What's wrong, Inui-senpai?" I asked as I stood next to him in confusion.

He grabbed the edge of some kind of wallpaper. "This isn't real marbel. It's wallpaper," he replied back.

"So you think this is all fake?" I asked.

Inui nodded in confirmation. "Everything on this ship is fake, even our host Sakurafubuki."

"We need to tell the others, Inui-senpai!" I exclaimed and we both walked back to my room where the others were and explained to them about the ship.

A/N: That's chapter 4 up. what do you guys think? I'm starting chapter 5 now and will update either tonight or tomorrow.

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