The Ultimate Scheme

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Reyna's POV

I didn't know what had happened to me after dinner nor how long I had been out for, but all I knew was that I heard the others talking in my room, but that must've been a couple of hours ago. I still think about what happened, about the ship and what Sakurafubuki may have been planning. I fluttered my eyes open and groaned as the light had hurt my eyes for a few minutes and then the pain was gone. I sat up slowly so that I could get some more air into my lungs. I stood up slowly and walked towards the balcony and inhaled the fresh air when I had opened the glass door although it was still dark out.

I glanced around and spotted the Seigaku team talking on the balcony just above the pool. I frowned and decided to get ready and head down to see what is going on. As I got ready for going to see what the others were upto, I left my room and walked down to the pool whilst walking towards the others. "Ohayou minna!" I said.

Eiji, Momo and the others turned around and saw me walking up to them. They all came at me at once and started speaking above each other.

"Reyna-chan, are you okay?" asked Fuji.

"Reyna!" shouted Taka-san.

"Sensei!" shouted Kaido.

The others shouted as well with concern. I smiled at them all. "I'm alright, but you can let go of me now. It's getting a little bit hard to breathe," I replied back and they all let go with relief.

I glanced at my brother who was staring at me. I smiled and walked up to him. Ryoma spoke first. "How are you feeling, Nee-chan?"

"I'm alright, chibisuke. Don't worry about me," I replied back.

"Mada mada dane," he smiled a little and walked towards the others.

I glanced at Tezuka and Oishi, who had troubled looks, but everyone else did as well. What did I miss? I frowned in confusion. "What's going on?" I asked.

Oishi spoke first. "We may have a problem," he replied.

"About what?"

Tezuka spoke next. "Oishi and I had a meeting with Sakurafubuki and your brother Ryoga about the up coming match, but what we had found out was that they want us to lose on purpose so that the people who had bid on us would lose their money and Sakurafubuki would have all the money. Although we aren't going to lose because we are not gonna let them get what they want. He wants us to play a fixed game," he explained.

"So basically what you are telling me is that he's doing illegal gambling by ripping other people off?" I asked with wide eyes. The others nodded in unison. I sighed and shook my head. "What have we and Ryoga gotten ourselves into?"

Tezuka took out his phone and started dialling some numbers then hit the call button. The voice on the other end picked up. "Ah, Tezuka! What do I owe this pleasure?"

"I need a favour from you, since you have been on cruises before, I was wondering if you could do some research on a millionaire named Sakurafubuki for me?" Tezuka replied back.

I frowned when I could clearly hear who it was on the other side of the phone. Atobe Keigo. "Is that the monkey king?" I asked and the others laughed. Tezuka gave me a death glare, but nodded in response. "Put him on speaker," I said and Tezuka had put his phone on speaker so that we all can hear what he is saying.

"Oh yeah! You guys are on a cruise, but to be honest I've never heard of a millionaire named Sakurafubuki. I'll look into it and find out for you guys," Atobe replied back.

"Thanks Atobe! We'll send you a signal once we've figured this out as well," replied Tezuka.

"Pleasure to help," said Atobe and hung up.

We all looked at each other and I sighed. "Well I guess the monkey king is on our side just now and helping us out, which I guess it is a relief," I said and the others nodded in agreement.

"We need to come up with a plan to stop Sakurafubuki before this situation is gonna get worse," said Oishi.

"But what is our plan? How are we gonna take down Sakurafubuki?" Momo asked.

We all turned to Eiji, who was standing next to Oishi with a blank expression. He glanced at each one of our faces until it hit him. "Nandi? Nya~" He asked and I smiled at him.

"We are gonna need your help Kikumaru-senpai. We need you to eavesdrop on Sakurafubuki's conversation and report it to us once you know what exactly he is planning. Can you do that for us?" I asked and Eiji nodded.

"Right, tomorrow we will start with our plan with Eiji to over hear Sakurafubuki's plan and report it to us. Once that's done, we need to find a way to get off of this ship and stop him. We can't let our guards down," replied Tezuka and we all nodded in agreement.


"We'll also meet in one of the waiting rooms just underneath Sakurafubuki's office in the morning since it'll be easier for Eiji to hear what they are saying," Oishi replied and we all nodded and went our separate ways back to our rooms.

Ryoma and I had entered our room and we got ready for bed. We laid on our beds and I was completely wide awake. I don't know about Ryoma if he was still awake or not, but I decided to talk to him. "Chibi, are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I'm awake," he replied back and turned to face me.

"What do you think Ryoga-kun is up to?" I asked.

Ryoma shrugged. "I have no idea. He's probably worried about us, but I doubt it."

I frowned a little. "I wonder why he's actually part of this scheme?"

"Who knows, but all I know is that it's not gonna turn out to be good," he replied back and turned his back to me and fell asleep.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I whispered and suddenly felt my eyes grow heavy and sleep took over.

A/N: hey guys that's chapter 5 up. hope you are enjoying this story. dont worry I will put some Shiraishi's scenes in near the middle of the story.

Ryoga & Ryoma's SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon