Training Part 1

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Reyna's POV

We started the training scheme with the U-17 trainees. We've split into teams and I was with Tezuka, Yukimura, Shiraishi, Ryoma, Atobe, Sanada, Saeki, Kajimoto and Fuji. Ryoga was one of the trainees at the camp and we teamed up with him. The team that was with Oni were Momoshiro, Kaido, Renji, Kintarou, Marui, Kirihara, Kite and Tachibana. With Irie and Takugawa were the others that had teamed up. Ryoga had lined us up and started picking one of us to have a practice match with him. Ryoga glanced at Tezuka and motioned him to get on the court. "Tezuka, let's have a game. I wanna see what you can do," he said and Tezuka nodded.

"Hai, let's have a good game," replied Tezuka as the two positioned themselves on the court.

Ryoga went to the centre of the court with Tezuka and positioned his racquet. "Rough or smooth?" Ryoga asked as he started spinning the racquet.

"Smooth," replied Tezuka and it landed on smooth.

Ryoga clicked his tongue and smirked. "Good call. Your serve," he tossed the ball at Tezuka, who caught it easily and they got in position.

Tezuka served and they rallied for the first few minutes until Ryoga won a point. They kept going until Ryoga won the first 3 games. Now the pressure was on as Ryoga served and Tezuka got in position for the Tezuka Zone. Ryoga was stunned as it was really similar to the Samurai Zone. "I see that your move is similar to Oyaji's move. The Samurai Zone except yours is a little different Tezuka," he said as he got in position for the Samurai Zone.

"OI! Nii-chan that won't work! You can't have two similar zones going at it at the same time!" I shouted out and the others were confused.

"Why?" Yukimura asked.

"If two zones clash together, it'll just be an ever going rally between these two since my brother uses the Samurai Zone from my father and Tezuka using the Tezuka Zone, it won't work. So one of them will need to use a different skill to break each zone. Trust me I did the Samurai Zone against Tezuka and I lost the match," I explained and Ryoma nodded in agreement.

"Nii-chan had been using that Samurai Zone ever since Oyaji had taught the three of us to use it when he retired from being a tennis pro," Ryoma added.

Atobe spoke next. "So you're saying that your old man was a former tennis pro?"

"Hai! You guys didn't know that?" I asked.

They shook their heads to confirm that they didn't. I rolled my eyes and spoke again. "Seriously? Does the name Nanjiroh Echizen ring a bell?"

"EHHHH?!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Your father is Nanjiroh Echizen?" Momo asked and I smirked.

"Bingo!" I said and watched the game.

The game ended with 6-5 as Tezuka won the match. Ryoga shook hands with him and motioned for Sanada to get on the court and motioned me to get on the court as well. Oh dear I'm facing the scary Sanada in a match. Hell I'm an Echizen and Echizens don't get scared. We went to the centre of the court and I spun my racquet. "Rough or smooth?" I asked.

Sanada replied back. "Rough," and it landed on rough. I tossed the ball to him and we got into position.

Sanada served the ball and we had rallied for approx 5 minutes and Sanada was in the lead as he had won a game. I was getting a little frustrated and I could hear Ryoga shout something to me. "Focus Reyna-chi!"

I shouted back. "I am focusing! Now shut it, you're distracting me!" I smashed the ball and I got a point.

We were so focused on the game, Sanada had won 3-2 and it was time for me to end this match. I got into position and was in the Samurai Zone. In the end of the match I won 6-4 and shook hands with Sanada. "Good game, Sanada-san!" I said and he nodded in response.

Ryoga called out the next two to play a match. "Shiraishi and chibisuke, you guys are up next," he said and they went onto the court.

Ryoma shouted back at Ryoga. "Stop calling me chibisuke!"

We chuckled at his childish response. Shiraishi and Ryoma started the match and they were doing really well, even though that Shiraishi plays doubles, but he is doing quite well. They played for about 15 minutes until Ryoma won the game by 6-5. They shook hands and came to stand by us. Shiraishi hugged me from behind and placed his head on my shoulder. "That was a good match between you and chibisuke," I said and closed my eyes with a soft smile.

"Echizen is really good, a miniature version of your father," he replied back and stood up straight as his arms were still around me.

"Yeah well, he still got a long way to go to surpass Oyaji," I replied back.

Ryoga called out the second final match against Fuji and Yukimura. "This match is gonna be interesting," Shiraishi commented.

I giggled. "Indeed, who do you think will win?" I asked him as he thought for a moment.

"Mmm.... It's hard to tell because both of them are really good. What about you?" He asked back.

"As much as I like Fuji to win, I think Yukimura will beat him. That's my opinion though," I answered back.

"Well Yukimura could beat Fuji-kun by using his yips, but then again Fuji-kun has some tricks up his sleeve. So I think I will vote for Fuji-kun. Even though Yukimura had found you this morning sleeping on the courts. Which reminds me, why were you out here anyway?" Shiraishi turned me around so that I was facing him.

I looked up at him and I sighed. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out and practice, then I didn't realise that it was already dawn and I hadn't slept," I shrugged and Shiraishi placed both of his hands on my cheeks and spoke sincerely.

"I was worried in case something happened to you," he whispered.

I smiled up at him softly. "Now you sound like Ryoga. He lectured me this morning if anything were to happen to me like getting ill or if I got kidnapped," I said and looked down.

"Well I kinda agree with him," he replied back.

"Damn straight!" said Ryoga as he walked up to us. We both turned to him.

"Is the match over already?" I asked.

"Hai, and you two weren't paying attention," he scolded.

"Gomen! So who won?" Shiraishi asked.

"Yukimura did. Fuji almost bet him, but it was a long shot."

I turned to Shiraishi and smiled. "Told you," I teased.

Shiraishi smirked. "Yeah, yeah. I couldn't choose between them anyway," he said and I giggled.

We turned to Ryoga and Atobe spoke. "So what now, Echizen?"

Ryoga smirked the famous Echizen smirk. "Now it's for Saeki and Kajimoto to play, then we will be doing laps," he replied back.

"How many?" Ryoma asked.

"300 laps around the court," he said and we groaned.

"You had to ask, chibisuke!" I exclaimed at my younger brother.

Now Ryoma smirked the Echizen smirk and shrugged. "Che... Better to know rather to not knowing," he replied back and we watched the final match against Saeki and Kajimoto as it ended in 6-5 and then we started doing laps.

I'll get you for this chibisuke!

A/N: thats chapter 24 up for ya guys. hope you enjoy it and will update soon.

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