Deciding for the U-17 Camp

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Reyna's POV

I woke up the next day and I noticed that I was in my room, in my bed as I looked around with confusion. Wasn't I just on the plane with the others? How did I get here? I sat up and rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I got up and did my usual morning routine by having a bath, get changed and do my hair and make-up. Once I was ready, I head downstairs and went into the kitchen to find, Ryoga, Ryoma, Okasan and Nanako at the dinner table. I smiled and walked in. "Konnichiwa, minna!" I said and got my food and drink and sat in between Ryoga and Ryoma.

"Konnichiwa, Reyna-chan!" replied both Okasan and Nanako-chan.

I smiled and started to eat my food then a thought came up. I glanced at my brothers. "Are you guys going to the U-17 camp?"

They both nodded and Ryoga replied back. "Of course, we wouldn't miss it."

I looked around the table again and noticed that father wasn't here. "Where's Oyaji?"

Okasan spoke next. "Oh, he's at the temple as usual. I don't understand why he doesn't eat at the dining table with the rest of us," she sighed.

I got up from the dining table and nodded to everyone. "Arigatou for the food. I'm gonna go and see what Oyaji is up to." I left the table and walked out of the house and headed towards the temple. I saw Nanjiroh lying on his side with his back facing me. No doubt he's reading that porn magazine again. I tiptoed up to him and smiled cockily and shouted in his ear. "Oyaji!"

Nanjiroh jumped in fright and tried to hide his porn magazine away, but I had already caught him. I laughed when he glared back at me. "Reyna! Why did you do that?"

"It was funny! I couldn't resist because you were so focused in that perverted magazine. What would've happened if Okasan saw you reading that?" I questioned and Nanjiroh looked scared by the thought of Okasan. "That's what I thought. Anyway I'm gonna head to the dance studio and then do some tennis practice when I come back. Later!" I left and headed towards the dance studio.

As I walked towards the studio, I saw someone familiar with long hair with braids. "Sakuno!" I yelled as she turned around and I waved.

She waved back. "Reyna-chan!"

"How are you?" I asked as I smiled at her.

"I'm good thank you. How are you, Reyna-chan?" Sakuno replied back.

I smiled at her and nodded. "I'm good. Oh! I have something to ask you about," I said as we both started to walk down the road.

"What is it?" She asked back.

"It's about Ryoma..." I hesitated.

Sakuno's eyes widened with a slight blush on her cheeks at the mention of my brother. "Is he okay? Did something happen to him?" She asked with worry.

I giggled. "He's alright, Sakuno and nothing happened to him," I said and continued on. "I've been speaking to him of what type of girls that he liked and when I had mentioned if he liked you, there was a blush on his cheeks with embarrassment confirming that he really likes you."

"R-really?!" Sakuno squeaked out.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Of course. I know that he cares about you, he just doesn't want others to know or that he's not really good at expressing his feelings because he's shy. Ryoga was like that when we were younger until he got used to it. It does take time for Ryoma to man up to his feelings."

Sakuno blushed even more and stammered. "W-what were Ryoga-senpai and Ryoma-kun like as kids?"

"Well... Ryoga was a popular kid and was always with so many girls, he was like my father's double to be exact, but so was chibisuke. The three of them were all cocky in their own way, but we all have the Echizen signature smirk and humor. Although Ryoga had to move away to live with our aunt in America as chibisuke and I had to be left behind. We didn't really know why he had to leave as we tried to ask my father where Ryoga was going, but he dropped the subject and we had lost contact of Ryoga for so many years until our little reunion on that cruise that we were on with the Seigaku team. Then we stayed back into contact until he came home with us," I sighed and looked down. "We had received an invitation for the three of us to go to the U-17 Camp and we had decided to go with other schools who are willing to compete for the U-17 World Cup in a couple of months," I looked back up at Sakuno and saw her face change to admiration after I had told my story about my brothers.

I sighed and shook my head. "Say Sakuno, would you like to come to the dance studio with me? I would like to have some company," I asked and waited for her reply.

Sakuno smiled and nodded. "Okay!"

We walked for a few minutes, chatting away until we had arrived at the studio. We had been there for a couple of hours and I was dancing away as Sakuno was watching from the back. I was so focused on my routine in the mirror, I hadn't noticed someone else was standing at the door watching me. After I had finished I grabbed my towel and Sakuno had passed me a bottle of water. "That was awesome, Reyna-chan!" Sakuno exclaimed with a smile on her face.

We stopped until we heard someone clapping their hands. "Indeed it was," he said and we both turned around until I smiled as I placed my hand on my hips, looking at my boyfriend.

"I didn't know you were here, Shiraishi! What brought you here?" I asked in a teasing tone.

Shiraishi smiled. "Well I was walking past the studio and I heard music playing, so I looked through the window and saw you so I came in, but I didn't want to disturb you," he replied teasingly back.

"Well it's good that you came to see me. So what's up?" I asked as I grabbed my things with Sakuno.

"Are you going to the U-17 Camp next week?" He asked as he grabbed my bag to hold as I was sorting myself out and handed my bag back to me.

I smiled at him. "Hai! I'm looking forward to it, although my brothers will be there as well."

"I'll wait for you at the gate when you guys arrive. I'm worried about you since you'll be the only girl there, and that concerns me a bit."

I gave him a kiss on the lips and smiled. "You shouldn't be concerned or worried about me or the guys. I can take care of myself and I'll have my brothers there."

Shiraishi placed a kiss on my head and smiled back lovingly at me and nodded. "Okay! Well I better head back and catch up with the others. I'll call you and let you know that I've arrived home safely."

"Okay! I'll see you later. I love you!" I said and gave him a goodbye kiss.

"I love you too," he replied back and left.

I turned around and forgot that Sakuno was still there looking embarrassed. "Gomen, Sakuno! I forgot you were still here!"

"I-it's okay!" She replied back and we both giggled as we walked out of the studio, said our farewells and went our separate ways to our homes.

A/N: That's chapter 21 up for you guys. will update as soon as I can. im so sorry that it took me so long. will make it up to you guys

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