Training Begins

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Shiraishi's POV

I can't get to sleep. I've been up for a while now and it was 2AM. What is wrong with me? When Reyna yelled my name, my heart skipped a beat, it was strange. Only my family calls me by my first name, but when Reyna said it, it feels like I'm falling for her all over again. I'm staring at the ceiling, consumed in with my thoughts, I didn't know that someone was calling my name. "Shiraishi, you awake?" Fuji asked.

"Hai, I'm awake. What's up?" I asked as I turned and faced him.

"I'm worried about you, you haven't slept yet. Are you alright?" He asked with worry.

"Hai, I'm fine, just been thinking about something," I said.

"About Reyna-chan?" A new voice entered the conversation.

I looked under the bunk and noticed that Yukimura was awake as well. "Yukimura, you were listening?" I asked in shock.

Yukimura chuckled lightly. "How could I not? I was having trouble sleeping anyway so I thought I would join in the conversation," he replied back.

Fuji got up and switched the light on and the three of us just talked for a while longer. "So about Reyna-chan, we're worried about her as well since she is the only girl in the camp, every guy would go after her, but we would never let that happen. She's like a sister to both Yukimura and I, it goes for Tezuka as well. Also we have both Echizen brothers here for her."

I nodded and I smiled. "I know, but I have a weird feeling that something bad is about to happen to her, like something or someone is about to get her, which I'm concerned about," I said and Yukimura and Fuji glanced at each other, then back at me.

"Shiraishi, I want you to listen to me, okay?" Yukimura said seriously. I nodded and he continued. "If something ever were to happen to Reyna-chan, we will help her. Even if she gets injured during a match and she couldn't play, we would help her, if by means to get flung out of camp then so be it."

"I agree with Yukimura. We won't let anyone hurt her, you have our word on that," Fuji added and I was grateful that I had friends like these guys.

"Arigatou! Fuji-kun, Seii-chan!" I said and they both nodded at me in response. We glanced at the time and it was 3:30am.

"We should get to sleep before we get in trouble," Fuji said as he turned off the light and the three of us went to sleep until morning.


Reyna's POV

I couldn't sleep as I was staring at the ceiling. I checked the time from my phone and it says that it was 2AM. I sighed as I got up and got changed as I grabbed my shoes and racquet and walked out of the room. I stopped when I heard voices from one of the rooms. I stood outside of Shiraishi's, Yukimura's and Fuji's room. They were talking about me of how they had a bad feeling that something might happen to me and that they would protect me from any danger, but what danger is there? As far as they are concerned, I'm fine for now. I sighed as I walked away from the door and went outside and started practicing by hitting the ball against the wall. I didn't know how long I had been doing it for until I noticed that it was dawn. I stopped and sat down against the wall and closed my eyes. I had been playing for hours and I had no sleep. I drifted off to sleep until I felt someone lift me from the ground and carried me away somewhere, which I had no idea about.


Yukimura's POV

I woke up by an alarm from my phone. I glanced at the time and it says that it was 8AM. I got up, showered and got dressed and then went out for a walk around the courts. I stopped when I noticed someone was sitting on the ground with their eyes closed and a racquet next to them. I knew just by looking at the person was Reyna-chan. She must've been having trouble sleeping. I crouched down and carried her back inside and to her room. I knocked on the door and Echizen opened the door. "Yukimura? Reyna? What happened to her?" Ryoma asked.

"I found her sleeping on the ground at the courts. She must've been having trouble sleeping and thought it would have been a good idea of practicing during the night," I replied back and Ryoma let me in as I was still carrying her in my arms.

Ryoga came out of his room and his eyes went wide when he saw Reyna-chan. "What the hell happened?"

"I found her sleeping outside at the courts," I said and I placed her on her bed, carefully not to wake her and left the room.

"Arigatou, for bringing her back," said Ryoga and shook my hand.

"No problem just keep an eye on her. Who knows what would've happened to her," I said and took my leave.


Ryoga's POV

I sighed and glanced at my sister. "What are we gonna do with you?" I whispered and shut the door behind me and went to the gym to work out. I was there for about a good couple of hours before I went back to the room and had a shower to get rid of the sweat and I was feeling fresh as a daisy. I left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hips and went to the bedroom to get changed. After I was ready, I left the room and saw Reyna-chi sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. "Reyna-chi, you're up," I said and she glanced up at me.

"Hai! Of course I'm up, but I don't remember returning to the room this morning," she replied back as she placed the magazine down and glanced up at me again.

"Yukimura found you sleeping on the courts and carried you back here. You need to be careful, Reyna. You had us worried sick. What time did you leave the room at?" I asked as I sat next to her with my arm slung around the back of the sofa.

She looked down avoiding eye contact before she responded. "2AM and had been practicing since dawn," she whispered.

My eyes widened in shock and worry. "What the hell? 2AM? Are you crazy? What if you became ill from the cold? What if someone had kidnapped you and left us worry even more?!" I started shouting that I didn't realise.

Reyna glanced up at me and she had tears running down her cheeks. "I don't know. Gomen, Nii-chan! I wasn't thinking. I couldn't sleep and I needed fresh air. I didn't know it was dawn already when I was practicing!"

I hugged her as she cried on my chest. "Please don't do that again. Promise me," I asked.

Reyna nodded and replied back. "I promise."

I let go of her and said. "Now, we should go and start our training before the others will wonder where we are."

Reyna nodded and we left the room and headed towards the others for training to start.

A/N: that's chapter 23. will update soon.

Ryoga & Ryoma's SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon