Never Underestimate an Echizen

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Ryoga's POV

I was standing on one of the balconies tossing my orange as usual and was having a flashback of how my siblings and I were younger. Playing underneath the same orange tree. I came out of my revery, but stopped when I noticed three guards escorting chibisuke and his two friends. This isn't good. I thought to myself. I glanced at my little brother. "You alright, chibisuke?"

Ryoma raised his eyebrow in question. "Does it look like we are alright?"

I chuckled, but was worried on what they were going to do to my siblings. I have to do something. I stood up and walked towards my brother. I was about to say something, but words wouldn't come out. Ryoma sighed. "Remember how dad taught us tennis and he was proud of you because you got the hang of it and tried to teach me? We didn't have a serious game, did we?"

I smiled as the memory came into my mind. "Hai, you were a hotshot!" I looked into Ryoma's eyes and made a silent promise to him saying that I will help him and his friends. Ryoma nodded and the guards pushed them forward to continue walking.

This is my chance to prove that I can save them.


Fuji's POV

We were at the tennis courts and I was getting a bit restless as I was worried for the others. I hope they are safe from harm. I looked up and noticed Momo waving at us. I smiled and notify Tezuka. "Momo!"

Tezuka looked up and noticed the boy above the people who were sitting. He nodded at him saying that he's glad that they were safe. "We must not let our guards down. We have to win and get out of here!"

I nodded as I got up and started my match. I am not going to lose. I never lose! I played my match and eventually won the game by 6-3.

Tezuka was up next as Ryoma was tieing his shoes, but stopped when he noticed that Tezuka was up. "Tezuka-senpai, isn't it my turn?" Ryoma asked confused.

"You're playing against your brother, Ryoga Echizen," he replied back and went onto the court. He was playing one of the toughest opponents, but eventually won by 6-2.

Now it was Ryoma's turn against the older Echizen.


Reyna's POV

I was restless as I had a guard's arm around my neck and a gun pointing at my back. I had to stay calm, but my nerves got the better of me. I heard one of the presenters talking at the stand. "Ladies and gentlemen, the host has an important announcement to make."

We walked on and heard gasps of shock from the people around us. I looked down at my brothers and noticed that their eyes were wide in shock and anger. Sakurafubuki spoke with a smile. "Are you enjoying the matches?"

We heard various of shouts.

"I want my money back!"

"This is absurd!"

I closed my eyes as Sakurafubuki spoke next. "Now, Ryoma Echizen! If you lose this match, your friends will be free and no harm will come to them, but if you lose..." He signaled the guys who was behind me to step forward and showing my brothers his gun pointing at my back. "Well, these poor unfortunate souls will perish. Your choice!"

Ryoma looked down and was having trouble to make a decision. He turned to Ryoga, who had anger in his expression and he returned to face his brother. "We have no choice, chibisuke. Let's give him what he wants and no harm will come to Reyna-chi and the others," he replied with guilt and sadness laced in his voice.

"And what about you? What are you going to do about it?" Ryoma asked.

"I've got a plan. Remember that orange tree in the back yard of the house?"

I widened my eyes as I remembered that tree very well. Ryoma remembered as well as they began to hit the ball back and forth. When Ryoga returned the ball to Ryoma, Ryoma smashed the ball towards the guy's face from behind me and knocked him out cold. I untied the rope and grabbed the gun that was now in my hands and pointed the gun at the chef. "Drop your weapon, or I will pull this trigger and you will never see the light of day again," I threatened as the chef dropped his knife and raised his hands in surrender. I turned towards the other guards. "Release my friends and back away from them or I will kill you," they did just that and we all turned towards Sakurafubuki who was shocked and defeated. "As for you? Never underestimate an Echizen. Especially when they are Samurais in tennis," I smiled and gave Ryoga a nod.

Ryoga smiled and tossed the ball in the air and smashed the ball towards Sakurafubuki's face and knocked him out cold. The others cheered as I took out the bullets from the gun and dropped it. I ran down to the court and gave my brothers a hug as they hugged me back. We felt the ship shake and people were panicking. I looked towards Tezuka and the others. "Get these people off of this ship and get them to safety!" I shouted and they nodded. Giving orders to the people to the life boats. I turned to my brothers, who were about to play a match. "What the hell are you boys doing?!" I yelled as I was about to go on the court, but Ryoga stopped me.

"You go with them! We'll be right behind you!" He shouted back.

"Are you crazy? The ship is about to blow if we don't get off of it!" I continued to yell, but they weren't listening.

"Reyna-chi! Just go, we'll be finished soon!" Ryoma yelled.

"I am not gonna leave without you both! I've lost one brother once. I'm not going to do that again! I don't want to lose you two!" I yelled as tears were in my eyes blurring my vision. I looked up at the sky and noticed dark storm clouds above us.

Thunder and lightning started and poured down with rain. I glanced at both my brothers, each of them hitting the ball when lightning hits the same time. Ryoma used a powerful Cyclone smash as it was turning red and orange flames around him. Ryoga had a blue aura around him as I looked up and noticed the water coming over the top of the ship. I used my aura to keep me in place from getting swept away. They were continuing playing tennis under water which I was surprised and mesmorised their game. They both shot up to the sky as Ryoma had a red aura and Ryoga had a blue aura around them, chasing the ball.

My eyes were wide like saucers as I watched them. Ryoga let go first and fell to the ground, whilst Ryoma started changing different colours and smashed the ball away. He, too, fell and was breathing so hard to get his breath back. Ryoga laid on his back and smiled. "Game and match, you win! That was a great game!" He sat up and smiled at Ryoma, proud of his skills. I sighed in relief and ran to them.

"Okay! Well done to you both, now can we get off of this bloody boat?!" I shouted and we ran to the bottom of the ship. I noticed a red jet-ski. Ryoga was in the front, I sat behind him and Ryoma sat behind me. We left the boat and headed towards the others.

A/N: and thats chapter 7 already. gonna keep updating some new chapters. chapter 8 is in the works now. enjoy!

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