Tezuka's Going to Germany

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Reyna's POV

A couple of of days later, the Seigaku team and I went to meet up with Tezuka as he had something important to tell us. We were waiting at the meeting point and Eiji sighed. "Nya! I wonder what buchou wants to talk to us about," he said.

"He did sound serious and sincere," Oishi replied back.

"Hai! But he's always serious and sincere, Oishi. Everyone here knows that," I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. I shook my head as I heard Kaido and Momo fighting like always.

"Why are you even near me?!" Shouted Momo.

"Get out of the way!" Kaido shouted back.

"Are you picking a fight with me?!" Momo replied back whilst both of their fists were at their chins.

I was getting fed up and I whacked them over their heads. "Would you two just knock it off already?! You both are actually pissing me off with your bickering! Now both of you shut up and separate yourselves from each other or I will knock both of you out cold! Do I make myself clear?" I said as I glanced at both of them with my death glare and finally they backed away from each other whilst both of them replied back.


"Good, ah! Tezuka, sorry about that!" I said as the guys panicked.

"They're always like that, but good job of getting them to back off," he replied back.

"What's this important announcement that you have for us?" Inui asked.

"I'm moving to Germany to follow my dream by playing in the German Tennis club," he said.

"EEEHHHHHHHHH?!" We all exclaimed at once.

"Well that's good for you, follow what you want to do and achieve it," I said as I smiled at Tezuka.

He smiled back and blushed a bit, then he turned to Oishi and the others who still looked shocked and they could tell that it wasn't their place to say anything because it was their captain's choice which they have to respect his wishes. We will be sad to see him leave, but at least he would be our rival and still be our friend.

"So, are you gonna leave today or what's the plan?" I asked.

"It will be today after I had my match with Atobe and then I'll be leaving straight after," he replied back.

"That soon?" Fuji asked in distain.

Tezuka nodded once and our faces just dropped, but I forced myself to smile. "Well, we wish you all the best, buchou! Although you need to promise us one thing," I walked up to him.

"And what's that?" He replied back.

"You have to stay in contact with us so that we know how you are doing," I said and hugged Tezuka with tears in my eyes.

Tezuka stiffened, but relaxed after a moment and hugged me back. "I promise," he whispered.

"We should go back to the courts. Your game will be up next, Tezuka!" Oishi replied. We all nodded and headed back to the courts.

I walked up to Shiraishi and he smiled whilst wrapped his arm around my waist. "You okay?"

"Hai, just a bit upset that Tezuka is leaving today to go to Germany," I said and glanced up at my boyfriend.

He looked shocked and began to talk again. "Why is he leaving to go back to Germany?"

"To follow his dream to compete with the German tennis team. So we can't really stop him for doing what he wants to do it's just not our place. He promised me that he will keep in contact with us to see how he is doing and stuff," I replied back.

Tezuka and Atobe were on the court to have one last game before Tezuka leaves for Germany. They have been rallying for a good few minutes as they both hadn't given up to lose a point. Atobe made a promise to Tezuka of how he will help the others to get stronger and take them to big events like Nationals.

They finished the game within 45 minutes and Tezuka was leaving. He was waiting for the bus to take him home so that he can pack his stuff and be on his way. He heard Atobe yell out when he had another match. "I'll keep my promise, Tezuka!!!!!"

Tezuka smirked a bit and went on the bus as it drove away from the camp.

We didn't know what was gonna happen next, but we had decided to move on even though we had lost a friend. We couldn't let that get to us when there are important matches to be played and we had to focus by getting our heads in the game. Kajimoto was playing against Shiraishi when they got called up, and it was a good distraction for all of us. I went onto the court and faced my opponent, who was Yukimura.

"You ready, Reyna-chan?" Yukimura asked and I nodded.

"Hai! I'm ready," I replied back and Yukimura had started the match.

We rallied for a good few minutes until Yukimura won a game which was 1-0. I was getting a bit agitated, but I must not let my guard down. Great! Starting to sound like Tezuka now! I thought to myself and I shook my head to get these thoughts in the back of my mind and focus on what's going on the now. The match ended in 6-3 to Yukimura in the end and I was panting so hard the sweat was dripping off of me. Yukimura walked up to me with a concerned look on his face. "Reyna-chan, are you okay?" He asked.

"I dunno, my head is just not into this I guess," I replied back and Yukimura stretched his hand out for me to take it, which I did.

"Is it because Tezuka has left to go to Germany?"

"Hai, I dunno why it's getting to me though. I need to respect his decision, but it feels strange of not having him here now."

Yukimura nodded in understanding. "I understand, but either one of us will probably leave to a different country to play tennis rather than Japan. We need to follow our dreams as well," he smiled lightly.

I smiled back to him and nodded again. "You're right!"

We were interrupted by Saito-san on the intercom. "Gentleman and lady, we are calling it a day for training. Go and rest up and enjoy some bit of free-time. You have worked really hard," he said and we sighed.

We went our separate ways and went to our rooms. I was suddenly feeling tired and I entered my room whilst laying down on my bed. I closed my eyes to rest them, but before I knew it I was a sound asleep until morning.

A/N: sorry for the confusion guys, hope you can forgive me. Please stay in tune for the next chapter.

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