Echizens Victory

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Ryoma's POV

I'm worried about Nee-chan, and I know that Nii-chan is as well. We both took positions on the court whilst Byron and Byodoin took their positions also. I pointed my racquet at them. "You both are gonna pay for what you did to Nee-chan!"

They both laughed and Byron smirked. "We like to see you try kiddo, but I will be taking Reyna with me after we beat you," he replied back.

Ryoga snarled. "Over my dead body. If you actually think that you are gonna take our sister away from us, you've got another think coming! Storms heading your way and it's not gonna look good for you both once this match is over!"

I glanced over at Yukimura. "Yukimura, can you be the umpire please?"

Yukimura nodded and stood to the side as we began with the match. Nii-chan and I wanted this match over and done with in an instant. We've hit some strong shots for the first few games and we could tell that Byron and Byodoin are tired out. I glanced at Ryoga and we both nodded to each other as a quiet gesture that we will finish this once and for all. The game was at 6-1, so we got into our Samurai position and took the shots when I served. We rallied for a good few minutes until Ryoga had took the point and the match was over. Byron and Byodoin both laid on the court in exhaustion.

We both walked up and pointed our racquets at them. "I believe we won, so you both stay away from our sister for good. Got it?" Ryoga threatened and they both nodded.

We walked away to the others and they patted our backs. "Well done guys!" Fuji-senpai said.

"Arigatou!" I said and sighed. Nii-chan placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked up.

"You alright, chibisuke?" He asked with worry.

I nodded. "Hai... Just tired after that match," I replied back. Nii-chan nodded in understanding and sighed.

"We should go and check on Nee-chan and see if she's alright," he said and I nodded.

We walked back into the campus and headed to our room which we shared with Nee-chan. We entered the room and stopped as we saw Shiraishi deep in his thoughts in the living room. "Senpai?" I asked and Shiraishi shook his head to come back to the present.

"Ah! Echizen, how was the match?" He asked as he stood.

"We won against them. They shouldn't bother us anymore, especially Reyna." I said as I walked into my room to drop my stuff down and Ryoga did the same and we left the room.

"How is she?" Ryoga asked Shiraishi.

Shiraishi sighed. "She's fine, she's sleeping at the moment, but she was having nightmares about before."

"Ah, she's been having them a lot when we've been here, or possibly longer, but we can't seem to stop her nightmares. She's got to stop them herself," Ryoga replied back and sighed. "I'll go and check up on her. Need to tell her we won and that those brothers won't come anywhere near her," he said as he walked into the bedroom that our Nee-chan was in.

Reyna's POV

I heard voices coming from the living room. Shiraishi's, Ryoma's and Ryoga's voices. I got up and walked out of my room and was greeted by my brothers and Shiraishi. "How are you doing?" asked Shiraishi and I went to sit next to him.

"I'm fine. So, what's going on? Where's Byron and Byodoin?" I asked as I faced my brothers.

Ryoga smirked. "They won't be bothering us anymore. They're gone and won't cause us any hassle," he replied.

I sighed with relief. "Thank god! I never want to see them again," I replied back and closed my eyes with my head on Shiraishi's shoulder.

Shiraishi hugged me and thought about something. "Are you guys hungry?" We all nodded and headed out to the cafeteria to get food.

I was walking with them until we arrived at the cafeteria and everyone were there eating. I heard my name being called by the Seigaku team. I smiled and walked over to them and was getting hugged by Eiji and Momo. "Ohayou minna! You missed me?" I asked teasingly.

"Hai! Of course we missed you Reyna-chan! We haven't seen or spoken to you in a while when those two guys were giving you hassle!" replied Oishi.

Tezuka spoke next. "How are you feeling, Reyna?"

I smiled gently at him. "I'm fine, just glad that the problem has been solved and won't be getting any crap from those guys again. Thanks to everyone here for what you have done for me. Arigatou minna!" I bowed my head and everyone laughed whilst gathering around me and ruffling my hair. "Hey! Don't mess my hair up!" I joked and we laughed whilst having a pleasant dinner.

We all chatted for a few more hours and were talking about our training with the U-17 captains of each court. I walked up to Oni, Irie and Kazuya when they were sitting at a table a bit further away from us. "Ohayou minna! Mind if I sit with you for a bit?" I asked and they nodded.

I sat next to Kazuya. "Are you feeling alright after what happened to Byodoin and Byron, Reyna-chan?" asked Irie.

I nodded and smiled. "Hai! I'm just glad that it's over with them. I can relax and feel like a whole lot of pressure has been lifted from my shoulders. Even though I feel guilty for my brothers to take over," I said and looked down.

Kazuya pat my hand and smiled when I looked up. "They were worried about you and so were we. Hell even I would've beaten them myself if I had to," he replied back.

"Well to be honest, you would've made a great doubles player with Ryoga. I mean you both are kinda the same age and you kinda look a bit similar with the looks." I said as I smirked.

Kazuya rolled his eyes in irritation and scoffs. "You're comparing me to your brother?"

"In a good way, hai. Although you two are like the complete opposites in personality wise though. Which make both of you together interesting."

"Did I hear my name mentioned?" A voice from behind me said.

I smirked and glanced behind me. "Nii-chan! Perfect timing. How would you feel of playing doubles with Kazuya against me and chibisuke?" I asked and Ryoga smirked.

"Now that would be a match in history, haha! Chibisuke! Come here for a second!" Ryoga motioned Ryoma to come and he huffed, but he came over.

"What?" Ryoma asked in annoyance.

"Fancy playing doubles with Reyna against me and Kazuya?" Ryoga asked.

"Che... Fine! Tomorrow morning. It's late just now and many of us are tired. Plus I think everyone wants to watch the match tomorrow as well," he replied and drank his ponta.

"That settles it. You four at the courts tomorrow. 9AM sharp, but first go and get some rest for tomorrow. You'll need your strength," ordered Oni and we left for our rooms and went straight to sleep for the match in the morning.

A/N: thats chapter 27. I'm sorry for the late update. I've been helping my mum as she suffers from MS. Plus I had been studying for my assessment at college and getting prepared for my surgery in the next couple of weeks. I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks guys.

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