The First Date

654 13 4

Reyna's POV


I heard the sound of my alarm clock go off as I woke up from my slumber. I sat up and hit the button for the alarm to stop. I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep away from them. I glanced over to my brother who was still fast asleep with Karupin sleeping on his face. I smiled and got ready for school by doing my morning routine by getting a shower, brushing my teeth, doing my hair and makeup and finally putting on my uniform. I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen and was greeted by Okasan and Nanako-chan, who were making breakfast. "Konnichiwa, Reyna-chan!" Nanako smiled.

"Konnichiwa, Nanako-chan! Okasan!" I replied back with a small smile as I sat down once I got a drink of water. I looked around and noticed that Nanjiroh isn't here. Probably at the temple reading those perverted magazines! My conscience said. I chuckled to myself.

"Where's Ryoma-kun?" said Okasan.

I sighed and replied back. "He's still sleeping. I'll wake him up just now." I walked up and got another glass of water and went upstairs to my room where Ryoma was. I walked over to Ryoma and noticed that Karupin had moved away from his face. I smiled evilly and shook my brother. "Ryoma! Wake up, you're gonna be late for practice!"

Ryoma groaned and turned over with his back facing me and mumbled. "5 more minutes!"

I sighed and poured the water contents on top of him. Ryoma woke up with a scream. "REYNA!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!"

I laughed. "I was trying to get you to wake up so that you wouldn't be late for school. Now hurry up so that we can go!"

"Che..." he replied back and got ready for school and had his breakfast. We both left the house and walked to school.

"Echizen! Reyna-chan!" We both heard someone calling our names and we both turned around to the owner.

"Momo! Ohayou!" I replied back with a smile. He smiled back and we continued our way to school.

We had arrived at school and headed to the changing rooms to start our morning practice. I was stretching my arms and legs for a few minutes when I stopped as I heard someone behind me. "Ohayou Reyna-chan!" I turned around and stood there was Fuji.

"Fuji-kun! Ohayou. What's up?" I asked as I stood up from the ground and faced him.

"Would you like a 1-on-1 game with me?" He replied back.

"Sure!" I smiled brightly and grabbed my racquet as we both went on the court.

Fuji stood on the other side of the net and held his racquet to spin it. "Rough or smooth?"

"Rough," I replied back, but it landed on smooth so it was his serve.

We played back and forth for a while and eventually he won by 6-5. I was breathing hard again because that match was intense. Once my breathing had calmed down a bit, Fuji walked up to me and stretched his hand out for me to be lifted from the ground like last time. "Arigatou, Reyna-chan! It was a great game," he said with his usual smile.

I smiled back and nodded. "Hai! It was," I replied back. I glanced at my watch and noticed the time. "We should get change and get to our classes!" I said and the others nodded. I turned towards Tezuka. "Tezuka, I won't be able to come to the evening practice today!"

Tezuka turned to me. "Why?"

I smiled. "I have a very important date with someone after school," I replied back.

I heard the guys exclaim at the same time. "EHHHHH?!!! Reyna-chan has a date?"

I giggled and walked to the changing rooms, had a shower and went to my classes. This is gonna be very interesting!

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