Arriving at the Castle

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Third's POV

Ryoma and Xiu were half way towards the castle. Ryoma was standing on the boat looking around until Xiu warned him to sit down. "Sit down, kid."

Ryoma turned to him. "Eh?"

Xiu replied back. "There's another boat coming and the waves are gonna hit this one, so sit down."

Ryoma was about to when his hat was blown off of his head as he was gonna catch it and about to fall over board when Xiu grabbed his jacket and pulled him back. "That's why I said sit down," he sighed as he continued steering the boat.

"Gomen!" replied Ryoma as he placed his hat back on his head and sat down in front. "Why didn't you return that serve?"

"It was similar by an old friend," he replied back.

"That Keith guy?"

"Hai! It shocked me for a second when your sister served that ball. Just brings back memories from before," Xiu explained. He told the story to Ryoma about his past with Keith as they both were doubles partners and that the reason why Xiu left was because he had hurt one of the opponents in the last tournament and Keith had caused another opponent deaf and blind by a skill that he did. No other schools and tennis clubs would take them because they heard what Keith and Xiu did. All of their dreams shattered and started to hurt more competitors.

They arrived at the castle and walked up to the gate. The gate opened. "Seems that they've been expecting us," Xiu said to Ryoma as he nodded.

They walked along the bridge and stood at the entrance door when they had walked through the gardens and stables. They entered the castle and stood in front of a iron gate inside as they looked around. "It's got some bad taste," Ryoma said.

"I agree," said the voice from their right as Keith stood up and walked into the light. "Quite too much for my taste. I see you have a new friend, Xiu."

"Let's just get this over with!" said Xiu as Ryoma stood back.


Reyna's POV

We arrived to shore and we got off of the boat and walked up towards the entrance. I took a breath in and stared up at the castle. "Can't believe chibisuke is in there. He doesn't think, but acts quickly. He's gonna get hurt," I said to nobody in particular until I felt someone take my hand and squeezed it a little.

I looked up and saw Shiraishi smiling down at me. "I'm sure your brother will be fine. He just knows that his sister is rescuing him."

I sighed and nodded. "I know, but that's the difference between my brothers and I," I replied back.

"What's that?" Shiraishi asked.

"I'm more smarter than they two. They're both the same, cocky, arrogant, womanizers."

Shiraishi smirked. "Well who could blame them. Just remember that we are all womanizers in our own way," he said.

I hit his chest playfully. "No wonder you guys are so freaking hot!"

We both laughed and didn't noticed that we were at the entrance of the gate. We all glanced up and I whistled in awe. "Nice bridge, but the castle has some bad taste," I said and Shiraishi and Fuji snickered.

Atobe glared at me. "Well thanks, Reyna! I'll take that as a compliment!"

I scoffed. "It wasn't a compliment monkey king. I was just stating a fact that it looks tacky."

"Let's go! Echizen should still be in there," said Tezuka.

We nodded and ran across the bridge, but I looked back and noticed Kite wasn't following. "Kite!" I shouted and the others stopped and glanced back at him.

"This is as far as I can go. My job here is done. See ya!" replied Kite.

He turned as we continued towards the castle. We ran as fast as we could and then Fuji turned around going the opposite direction. Shiraishi shouted after him. "Fuji! Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go and help him!" Fuji replied back.

I sighed and glanced at my boyfriend. "What are we gonna do with them?"

Shiraishi sighed as well. "They'll be fine, we need to keep going before your brother gets hurt."

I nodded and the rest of us left. We stopped in a room and two members of the Clack were standing on the other side of the archway. Sanada glanced at us and nodded. "Akaya and I have got this. Go and get Echizen!"

We all nodded and ran back out of the building. It was like a maze. We came to a stop and saw a guy in the middle of an outside court, but has not got any outside lines for the ball to go out. Atobe turned to us. "Go and get the brat. Leave this guy to me," he said and we ran again.

"This is getting beyond ridiculous!" I groaned as Tezuka, Shiraishi and I continued running back into the castle and stumbled into another room. Two other Clack members were standing at the court with smirks on their faces. I turned towards Shiraishi and Tezuka.

Tezuka nodded and Shiraishi smiled. "We've got this. You go and get your brother," he said and I nodded whilst gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Both of you be careful," I said and they both nodded as I ran and searched for Ryoma. You better be alright chibisuke! I ran as fast as my legs could go as I had came towards a big iron door as I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I walked in and saw Ryoma with Xiu playing against Keith as Peter stood at the side. I looked around and felt a tense atmosphere.

"I believe we have another visitor Keith," said Peter as he turned towards me.

Keith and everyone else turned towards me. "Nee-chan! What are you doing here?" Ryoma exclaimed.

"Funny, I should be asking you the same thing chibisuke!" I exclaimed back as I marched in with a serious expression on my face.

"How did you get here?" Xiu asked.

"The boys and I came by boat to pick up this one here," I explained as I didn't leave my gaze from Ryoma. "Why did you leave without consulting us first?"

"Gomen, Nee-chan! I didn't want you to worry," Ryoma replied back with guilt.

"Well you did worry us! Did you know that Kite, Fuji, Sanada, Kirihara, Atobe, Tezuka, Shiraishi and I have been worried sick when you just disappeared on us like that? Hell! Even the others back at the hotel have been worried about you. I was fearing for the worst of what would have happened to you! What would've Ryoga, Oyaji, Okasan and Nanako would say if something were to happen to you, Ryoma?!" I shouted in desperation with tears in my eyes, but I wouldn't let my tears fall.

Ryoma looked down without a word. I sighed and walked towards him as I placed both of my hands on his shoulders. "Don't continue with this match, chibisuke. It's not worth it," I whispered.

Ryoma glanced up and narrowed his eyes at me in confusion. "Not worth it? Did you forget of Keith and his team did to all of you?"

"No, I haven't forgotten about what they did. What they did was wrong, but we all make mistakes. Tennis is suppose to be fun, not to hurt people," I replied back.

A/N: thats chapter 19 up. sorry it took so long to update. will start chapter 20 soon.

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