The Doubles

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Reyna's POV

It was morning, my brothers and I walked towards the court when we saw everyone sitting at the stands and Kazuya was there waiting for us. We walked up to him. "Ohayou Kazuya, you ready for the match?" I greeted with a smile and he smiled and nodded back.

"Ohayou, hai!" He replied back.

Shiraishi and the other captains came up to us. I smiled at my boyfriend, hugged and kissed him. He kissed me back and we heard the guys whistling and groaning because we were so lovey-dovey. "Ohayou," I said to him.

Shiraishi smiled back. "Ohayou."

"Seriously? You guys had to do that here in front of us?" Atobe asked in disgust.

"Hey it's not my fault that you guys don't have girlfriends yet. Plus I'm not the only one who's in a relationship," I replied back with a smirk and turned to Ryoma, who tipped his hat down in embarrassment with a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

The guys turned to Ryoma. "EHHHHH?!?!" They all said.

"O'chibi! You have a girlfriend?" Eiji exclaimed.

"Nope!" He replied back rather quickly.

"Chibisuke don't lie, yes you do. Aren't you going out with Sakuno?" I smirked at my brother.

He glared up at me. "Che..."

I nodded. "I'll take that as a yes," I said and turned to Ryoga who also had a smirk on his face.

"Right should we get this match done with?" Kazuya asked and we nodded. "Oni, can you be the umpire?"

Oni nodded and we got into positions. I smirked even more when I glanced at Ryoga and Kazuya together. I straightened up and placed a hand on my hip. "Well this is really interesting," I said.

They both glanced at each other and back at me. "What's interesting?" Ryoga asked.

"You two look kinda identical when you two are standing next to each other, but also when chibisuke was standing next to you both, no doubt about it that you are similar."

"Was that meant to be a compliment or an insult?" replied Kazuya.

"It was a compliment, Kazuya-kun," I smiled back and we started the game.

Ryoga and Kazuya started the game off and we rallied for a while, quite possibly for the first couple of minutes until we hit the first point.

"Well, that was easy," I smiled.

Ryoga smirked back. "You had to jinx it, didn't you Nee-chan?"

My smile faltered and I smacked my forehead. "Shit!"

Ryoma glanced at me. "Well done, Nee-chan!"

I glared at my brother. "Chibisuke, shut it! We'll beat them eventually," I said and focused on our game.

It had been a while since we rallied and scored, until I was having difficulty of hitting back because of my left side had gone numb, which was weird because it never happened to me before, or it as although I can't remember when I had something similar. I heard Tezuka with worry and concern. "Reyna-chan, are you alright?!"

I turned to him and smiled. "I'm fine! Nothing to worry about!"

Shiraishi turned to Tezuka with concern and confusion. "What's going on? What's wrong with her?"

Tezuka turned to him. "She's in trouble. Her whole left side is numb, that's why I've noticed that she's putting most of her weight on her right leg and she's switched her racquet from her left to her right," he replied back.

Shiraishi's eyes widened. "What?! She needs to stop!"

Ryoga, Ryoma and Kazuya heard everything and they stiffened up. Ryoga glanced at me with worry. "Reyna, you should've mentioned that earlier!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine! Stop worrying and continue with the match!" When I put weight on my left leg, it gave way and I collapsed. My brothers, Kazuya and Oni came up to me. So did everyone else.

Yukimura and Shiraishi were standing each side of me and helped me up. "Are you alright, Reyna?" Yukimura asked.

"Hai, I'm alright," I replied back.

"No you're not. You can barely stand up by yourself. You're gonna have to forfeit the match," replied Ryoga.

"But Nii-chan I want to finish this match. I have to become stronger!" I replied back pleadingly.

"Reyna, you can't go on playing like this. Not in your condition!"

Niou had cut in. "I'll play in her place."

I shook my head. "No, I can still play," I said with annoyance.

Niou shook his head back. "I can transform into you and continue with the match. I know how you play, just please give me a chance to help you out," he replied back.

I glanced at everyone else and they nodded in agreement. I sighed. "I guess I don't have a choice, do I?"

Everyone replied. "Nope!"

"Fine, Niou take my place but if you don't beat them, there's gonna be a storm coming your way," I teased.

Niou transformed into me and smirked. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

I smirked and also felt like I was being challenged. "Knock them dead, Niou-kun."

Niou laughed. "May I borrow your racquet?"

I handed my racquet to him and he thanked me as the others got in position and continued with the match. Shiraishi carried me to the stands and sat me down. "What are we gonna do with you?" Shiraishi chuckled.

"I don't know. It's actually weird how Niou has transformed into me. That's gonna give me nightmares," I replied back as I scrunched my face up. Shiraishi laughed and so did the others after hearing me say that.

"Need to get use to it," Yukimura said with a smile.

"Does it not freak you out whenever he transforms into one of you lot?" I asked.

Yukimura smiled again. "Oh the rest of us are fine with it, but the ones that are uncomfortable whenever Niou transforms into them are Sanada, Tezuka and I think Atobe as well," he replied.

"I can understand that, I mean you guys are all rivals, myself included. But it's actually funny how Sanada, Tezuka and Atobe are like serious and stuff," I replied back.

The match continued as the points are 6-5 to Ryoga and Kazuya. I rolled my eyes and started yelling at chibisuke and Niou. "Chibisuke, Niou, hurry up and end it so that you can get into a tie break!"

"If you be quiet, we will go into tie break, Nee-chan!" Ryoma yelled back.

When the match finished, the score was 7-6 to Niou and Ryoma. The four of them walked up to us and I shook Niou's hand who transformed back to himself. "Great work guys!" I praised and they nodded back.

"I think it's time to get Reyna-chan checked out," Fuji-kun said and everyone nodded and took me to the medical room.

A/N: thats's chapter 28 finished. More chapters to go up and I will think about doing a sequel but I'll leave that up to you guys to decide. thanks for being patient with me and I will update soon. Cheers. :)

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