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Reyna's POV

I entered the house after my date with Shiraishi. It was the most romantic date I've had ever been on, and I can't stop thinking about him. I've still got butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. Ryoma and I walked up the stairs, but shouted. "Tadaimas!" Then continued up the stairs to our room. I was annoyed with Ryoma and the guys for spying on us and I bet Shiraishi was a bit annoyed as well since he had planned the date for both of us. Ryoma sat on his bed with his head down, staring at the ground. I stood by the door with my arms crossed over my chest and spoke first to break the silence. "Okay, start explaining chibisuke! Why were you and the guys following us on our date?"

"I told them not to follow you because this date was special for you, but I didn't know it was the captain of Shitenhouji that you were on the date with. They dragged me with them and I protested. They wouldn't stop and so I gave up. Although I had a phone call from Nii-chan before your date had started," Ryoma explained and my eyes widened when he mentioned Ryoga.

"Why did Ryoga call you?" I asked suspiciously.

"He wanted to know how we were and that he was coming to see us next week, but I mentioned about your date and he told me to follow you just in case to know that you were safe."

"Ryoma, I am older than you and I don't need to be kept an eye on. I can take care of myself. You and Ryoga of all people should know that! I just don't understand why you guys did of what you did!" I exclaimed.

Ryoma stayed silent after that, thinking about what else he should say. "Gomen Nee-chan!"

"I'll let you off the hook this time chibisuke! Don't do it again or there'll be consequences. Understand?"

Ryoma nodded in agreement and we both sighed as sleep took over. "Let's get some sleep. We have school tomorrow," I said and again Ryoma nodded.

We got ready for bed and noticed Karupin was on my bed, curled up in a ball, sleeping away. I sighed and got in my bed gently not to disturb Karupin. I was about to turn off the light when I heard my phone chime, indicating that I've got a message. I grabbed my phone and read the message that was from Shiraishi.

To: Reyna
From: Shiraishi

That's me home now. Hope you had a nice night during our date tonight. I know I did ;) Will speak to you tomorrow and would like to invite you out for another date, if you fancy it? Let me know.

Sleep tight ;)

I smiled and replied back to his message.

To: Shiraishi
From: Reyna

Glad that you got home okay. I had an amazing night on our date and I would love to go on another date with you. I'll speak to you tomorrow. :)

Good night :)

I placed my phone down and turned the light off and let sleep take over me as I was pulled into the land of dreams.


Shiraishi's POV

I woke up the next day after I had recieved a message from Reyna that she would love to go on another date with me. It made me happy and nervous at the same time. I smiled as I got ready for school. I haven't forgotten the incident with Seigaku and my team interrupting our night so I'm gonna let them pay. I left the house and walked to school deep in thought, as I was planning for another date for Reyna and I. I was interrupted by Kin-chan. "Buchou!! You heading to school?!" Why is he so loud and hyper all the time?

"Kin-chan. Hai, I'm heading to school," I replied back.

"Are we practicing this morning?" Kin-chan asked.

I nodded. "Hai! But first you guys are gonna do 100 laps for interrupting my date with Reyna last night as punishment."

Kin-chan anime cried. "Whaaaa! Not fair! It was Kenya-kun's idea in the first place!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to Kin-chan. "Kenya's idea?"


Oh! He is dead when I see him! My conscience told me.

I sighed and we had arrived at school and headed towards the changing rooms for morning practice. Everyone was there and I walked over to Kenya, who was speaking to Zaizen. "Kenya!"

"Hai!" He replied back facing me.

"A word?" I said and stood outside with him trailing behind.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Why did you follow me and Reyna last night when we were on a date?" I asked getting straight to the point.

Kenya sighed. "We were worried about you and so we followed you to make sure you guys were safe," he replied back.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Well you know what had happened with the other girls that you had dated and they didn't end well," he explained.

"Reyna is different from the other girls," I said.

"Really? What makes Reyna any different from them?" Kenya questioned back.

"Because she has similar interests than me and we both hit it off. We like the same sports, music, movies, hell even working at the gym. That's the type of girl she is," I explained, "but I just don't understand that you guys and Seigaku followed us. I'm a bit annoyed with you lot because I had planned this date for the both of us!"

Kenya looked at me strangely. "Why are you into her?"

"BECAUSE I LIKE HER!!" I yelled out and turned my back with my hands behind my head.

Kenya's eyes were wide open in disbelief. The others came out after they heard me yell at Kenya.

"What's going on here?" asked Zaizen.

I turned around after I had calmed down and gave an order. "Nothing! 100 laps around the court!"


"Now!" I ordered again.

They went running and started doing laps. I sighed and closed my eyes as I repeated what I had just told Kenya. I like her! I like Reyna-chan!

A/N: Wow! that was intense lol. chapter 12 is up now. hope you guys are enjoying the story.

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