05 | Boredom

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I woke up with a headache

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I woke up with a headache.My head was killing me.

The only thing I remembered from last night was me getting into Tyler's car.I look over at the other side of the bed and I see Sarah. She probably didn't sleep well or even enough.I was still in the dress from last night and Sarah was wearing my clothes.She probably wore anything she could have found in my closet.I don't mind.

I attempted to stand up but my legs failed me.I fell in my arms,I even woke up Sarah. She was confused about what I was doing.

-"I am trying to go to the bathroom but apparently my body isn't really in the mood"

-"Here let me help you."

She helped me stand up and go to the bathroom.I washed my face with cold water and that woke me up instantly.I got out of my dress and was wearing leggings with an oversized hoodie.

I went downstairs.Wait let me correct that I dragged myself down the stairs.I couldn't trust my legs on the flat surface let alone on the stairs.

I was still exhausted it's like I didn't rest at all.Sarah was making breakfast, meanwhile I just sat on the counter and drank a glass of water.

Still looking like crazy ladies, we were eating food, when we heard the doorbell.

-"I will get it," Sarah said.

I hear Margaret's voice.Shit.I didn't want her to see me like this because she will tell mom and dad.

Thank God she left and didn't see me.


I was crawling up in my bed when Sarah walked in with coffee on her hands.She is my hero.

We put a film on Netflix.We have never heard of that movie.We were just curious to see what's is about.Sarah fell asleep halfway through the movie.I can't blame her the movie was boring af and I couldn't sleep.

My mouth was so dry I went downstairs to get a glass of water.As I was making my way to the kitchen the doorbell rang.

I wondered who that could be?

I open the door and I see him.The new neighbour which I am totally into but don't want to admit it.My eyes widened at the sight of him.He looked like he just had a shower because his hair was wet.


-"Hey! What are you doing here?"

-"I came to check up on you" he admits "Can I come in?"

I was frozen at the door "Yeah,come in".
We made our way to the kitchen."How are you?"he asked with a high voice.

-"shhhhhh,don't want to wake Sarah up"

-"Right forgot she is here"

-"How do you know she is?"

He coughed and his eyes met mine.I was still in confusion but in the back of my head I knew what might have happened.

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