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It didn't matter to Sage if she moved to New Orleans with Klaus. She knew that moving would be the best thing for her. Damon had talked to her about, her safety meant the world to him.

Kai wanted to know what his fee was. He kept smirking at Sage. She walked around, slowly making her way near Alaric's couch and sitting down on it.

Placing her hands on her face; exhaling before. She looked up and noticed how Kai had made him comfortable on the other side of the couch.

"Let's discuss my fee shall we?"

"I'm not discussing anything with you. I hope you realise that." Sage had bluntly replied back.

"Oh but if you would like to save Bonnie you better listen."

"Is that a threat or an order?" Sage remarked back.

"It's an order; and it's my game my rules." Kai smirked at the girl. He had finally made her speechless.

"Luke; find him so I can do the merge. If not then Alaric won't have his precious girlfriend."

"Don't you dare threaten Jo." Sage jumped up using a spell that caused his blood vessels in his body to start contracted and pop.


"Not until you find Bonnie! It's her birthday tomorrow, and as her 20th birthday present; I would love to get her out of your hell! So help me god that I won't kill you in the process!"

It was as if Kai had snapped into reality, pushing past the pain he was in grabbing Sage by her forearm. Pulling her towards him, their height difference took a toll on her.

"Your going to call up Liv and tell her that I will be seeing Luke very soon, and if not then here is a little something to think about."

Kai had drained the magic that consumed Sage. Of course she would regenerate her magic back slowly. But it had hurt to know he threatened her by taking her magic.

Sage whimpered as the pain dulled. She felt weak, used. Damon had left to profess his love to Elena.

"It's just so sad that Damon left you here, with me. Almost as if he just doesn't want you." Kai laughs at the poor girl. She didn't have the energy to even say a witty remark at him.

She closed her eyes trying to cancel out his voice but it all failed. He cooed her gently using his hand to calm her down. But she squirmed around trying to leave out of his arms.

"Your going to call Luke; and your going to tell him where to meet you; then I come in and steal you away; then merge with Luke." Kai rubbed his finger on her cheek. Sage whimpered slightly. Holding in her breath. Has he placed both if his arms around her waist. He liked how she reacted to his touch.

"Hey Luke it's me Sage; um can you meet me at the park across from the grill? Yeah I have to give you something. At 9? Yeah yeah.... See you then."

Sage burned Kai's hand as he tried to congratulate her for doing an amazing job. He turns and grins widely at her reaction.

She breathed in deeply; finding it hard to come across if Jo ever found out it was her fault that her baby brother died .

"You got what you want. Now leave me alone."

The wind had picked up dramatically she hugged her jacket around her body tightly. She had noticed Luke standing around, gaping at how she wasn't there.

"Luke!" The raven haired girl called out, running towards her gay friend.

"Sage. What's wrong."

"You need to go; you need to leave. Like now, no questions asked, just go now!"

"I'm really disappointed that you would cut ends with me Sage. I thought we had a deal. Hello little brother, if you want both sisters to live I suggest you merge with me."

Luke didn't hesitate at all; he was all for it and it scared Sage more than anything. She had noticed Jo running towards her, she threw her arms around her whispering to her what had happen.

"No! Luke! Wake up Luke; you have to wake up."

She had had footsteps coming their way. Sage looked up and noticed Damon.

"Thank god you two are okay; I would have heard it from Ric."

"Luke wasn't supposed to be here Damon! You can't merge with another sibling, you have to merge with your twin!" Sage shouted at the vampire; he had notice she had been jumpy recently. But didn't know why.

"The only reason why he's dead Damon was because you didn't Leave Kai while he was still hooked up to the pentobarbital!"

"Don't worry he's not going to wake up. Hey sissy; told you I always win."

Destruction (Malachai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now