Think it as Motivation

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Kai had performed the spell perfectly. He had successfully sent Jeremy and himself to the other side to send Bonnie a sign. Elena and Damon were talking about whatever it is that they were talking about and left Sage in charge of a sociopath and Little Gilbert. She had been playing the candle, lighting it and blowing it out. She had left just for a moment notice to get her daily glass of bourbon. But when she came back she had noticed that Liv was there stabbing Kai through the stomach.

'NO!" Jeremy yelled. Sage had blurred towards Liv failing to push her out of the way. She tried to stop Liv, put in the process she pushed the trio towards the other side of the parlor. Sage groaned as she felt the shards of the glass stick into her back and in her legs.

"What the hell Liv." Sage groaned from the stairwell chanting a spell to extract the glass from her body.

Kai had gone back to his sociopathic self, laughing about the pain he was in that Liv caused. He laughed at her stupidity.

"Shouldn't have done that little sis."

"Shut up!"

Liv had done a spell that was bursting Kai's brain capillaries. Sage needed a moment longer to get rid of all the shards. If only she was stronger she could be faster and better. She didn't know how to feel about Liv tormenting Kai. She felt this pang in her chest that she had to help the poor boy.

"Fosmatos." Liv conjured up the spell but Kai was faster taking the fork that was for the cake and shoving it towards her neck. Kai had been laughing at winning the first half of the battle between brother and sister.

"It's all coming back to me now Livypooh. You know the charge that races through your bones, prospect of watching someone burn to death, really miss that feeling."

Kai had picked up a candle from where Sage kept them lit. Pointing it towards Liv. Laughing at what the outcomes will be if he threw the candle at his

"Just kill me Kai." Liv painfully said, she was finished, she was done fighting with Kai. There was no point on trying anymore. "You already killed my best friend, just do it? Get it over with."

Kai was struggling with whether to kill Liv or let her live. After the merge Kai couldn't really do what a sociopath would do.


I do this? Why cant I kill you. You know I care about you. Why can't kill you, come on Kai you can do this. Come on."


Sage had finally got all the shards off her body. Rushing over towards Kai as soon as Liv throws a knife which ended up on Kai's shoulder. Putting pressure as she took the knife from his shoulder. Sage has never seen Liv get so angry before, and it honestly was scaring her. Yes Kai isn't the good guy; but all the torment he received as a child made him like this. While Liv was out on the floor; Jeremy and Sage were helping Kai walk to the kitchen. Jeremy both Sage drop him by accident.

"Send me back!"

"Please Jeremy look at me I am half dead."

"Sage, can you do something."

All eyes where on the young witch, she could speed up the healing process, but Magic always comes with a price. If Jeremy wanted to go back, and for her to heal Kai, she will be sacrificing herself in the process. Sage knew she was going to regret this, she leaned down towards Kai, looking into his eyes, she placed a single kiss on his forehead. Then chanting the spell. This gave Kai the strength he needed to send Jeremy back.

Sage felt the blood drip from her eyes, nose, and mouth. But she kept on chanting, passing the feeling of the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She needed her best friend back, she wasn't done teaching her half the magic she knows. Sage Bradley may be a powerful witch, but she was indeed scared. She didn't like showing it, but in her voice, she was stuttering, her voice was growing weaker. She felt her vision blur up. But she pushed through it. But this was the price she had to pay


Sage's head was pounding with every ounce of magic drained from her she knew what pain really meant. Her vision was lighting up slowly, the dim light that was coming from her room was just enough to keep everything at bay.

"Hey you okay?" Jeremy half laughed.

"Yeah but I feel like shit." The witch heartily laughed at her state. She was groggy, Elena had hooked her up with Morphine and she felt great. But the loophole was that she good still feel the side effects of what happen, but she couldn't feel the pain.

"I can't thank you enough on what you did Sage, and now Bonnie can come home."

There was a knock coming from her bedroom door, Jeremey went along to open it, and there stood Kai looking at Sage, knowing it was his fault that he wasn't strong enough to do the spell that Sage had to heal him in the process.

"Hey can I see her?" Kai asked Jeremy nervously.

"Kai just come in."

As she said those words Kai had smiled and smirked if that was even possible and waved his fingers teasingly towards Sage. Jeremy left the room leaving the two witches by themselves. He pulled up a chair sitting near Sage. There was silence between them. Kai had tried to kill Sage in the start, but now all he can think about is how he couldn't let her down anymore. He needed to keep her safe.

"Hey--- um-I--- Just wanted to tell-I just wanted to tell you that thanks for what you did." Kai was stuttering like a school boy.

"No; I did it for Bonnie."

"But you-"

"Almost died yeah, I knew what I was getting myself into."

Sage looked over towards Kai, noticing it really did take a toll on what happen. He was worried about her. To worried that after what happen; he couldn't stop thinking about what happen to her was his fault.

"You kissed me."

"I kissed your forehead as motivation." She countered back faster.

He laughed; causing a smirk to rise from his lips. Old Kai was back.

"So I'll heal you then tomorrow I will be picking you up on that date you owe me."

Sage groaned about the promise she made to him, she thought he forgot all about it. But he didn't.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I didn't forget."

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