Potentially Problematic

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Sage grabbed the knife from the near table. Slowly putting it in the back pocket of her jeans. She walked back slowly.

"Sweetheart, you don't want to wake the dragon, now do you?" JB grabbed her chin, forcing the young witch to look up. He waited for an answer, but she had refused to speak.

"Oh okay, I see how it is." He let go of her chin backing her into the near booth, sitting down next to her. Forcing himself to watch her every move.

"The longer you keep this up sweetheart the harder it will be for me to trust you."

Sage took the knife from her back pocket, holding it close to his neck. She applied pressure, pushing him back.

"Undo the damn spell. Or I will rip your spine from your throat, then I'll pull a Ramsay Snow." Sage growled, JB laughed at how she tried to be rude, to pose a threat.

Sage shoved her hand through JB body only for her to hear him laugh behind her. She turned around quickly, he stood his ground, grabbing her by the neck pulling her up settling her on the bar table.

"Okay! Just don't come any closer." Sage yelled. Moving her arms to stop him only to have them pushed back.

"I want something." He whispered in her ear. Sage felt the tears run down her face. She slowly exhaled, has she felt him cupping his hands on her cheek.

"I want the rest of the Red Stain Glass. That's how you have been getting stronger isn't it baby sister? Give me the Red Stain; and I promise you that I will leave."

JB smirked, he noticed how Sage quivered back in fright. He feed off of her pain, she was indeed frighten.

"Liar, you will kill everyone last soul in this awful town, for your own pleasure. You bitch."

JB grabbed her throat, he didn't apply pressure, he held it. He looked down at the witch, he cocked his head to the side noticing the small hickey that was placed on her neck.

"I see Kai has marked you."

"Undo the spell, and you'll get your Red Stain Glass." Sage seethed at the boy. She hated how he would get addicted to the pain.

"I rather much spend time with my little sister, I haven't seen you in ten years. And my have you blossomed."

His voice sent chills down her spine. He is still the same sadistic boy she grew up with. How annoying he was when he didn't get what he wanted right away.

He noticed her head bob back and forward, he silently smirked. She would snap back to reality but then going back to the haze. Sage mumbled something incoherent.

JB cocked his head back up a light smile bedding on his lips. She had changed, the step brother agreed with his thoughts.

He picked Sage up threw her over his shoulder, taking her back to the booth. She would give him the Red Stain Glass. He placed her down gently before giving her a chaste kiss on her cheek. Leaning back she leaned on Kai's frozen body. He flickered his wrist once more, and everyone became Normal again.

Kai was the first to notice Sage, sweat dripped from her forehead, she had no energy of what was happening whatsoever ever.

"Sage? Sage baby listen to me." Kai cupped her face in his hands. She looked over at JB knowing he had done something.

"We're leaving." She stammered out. Kai grabbed ahold of her hand pulling her towards him.

"What about the food?" Daniel had asked the warlock. Kai looked back he couldn't shake off the feeling that JB had done something to Sage.

"It's on my tab."


Sage sat in the bathtub. He hair matted against her forehead. Kai had sat on the rim of the bathtub, stroking the witches head. Sage hasn't said a word since the incident at the Grill.

It scared Kai, she usually would go off on anyone, but this time, she was silent.

She slowly got up, Kai grabbed the towel wrapping it around the witches body, pulling her out, finding her NYC HOODIE and her Nike Pros.

She walked into the kitchen pouring her self a cup of tea, heading over to the couch. Kai sat next to her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"You know my moms coven of witches are strong. We kill what you would call Arachnes. They pose a threat to us, well to my coven and I. They know what can kill us, but we don't, they know what can make them stronger, but it's what keeps out coven going. It's called a Red Stain Glass. The original witch made sure that there was always a balance. But Arachnes know how to break the bond of a coven. But JB doesn't want to break the coven bond, he wants me, he wants my powers. The necklace I wear is from my grams, that's why I can resist anything, well almost anything coming from the Supernatural world." Sage looked up, and noticed Kai was fuming, but she jumped on him, holding him down. All she wanted was for him to hold her.

"I'm going to kill the bastard."

"No. Malachai Parker, just hold me. Kai I want ice cream. Yeah, can you get me the tub of Ben & Jerry chocolate ice cream from the freezer." Sage poked her head up from his lap. She pouted her lips, batted her eyes.

"Don't give me the bambi eyes Sage." Kai pushed his legs up, catching the back in his hands, pulling her up and giving her a quick chaste kiss on the lips before getting his princess her Ben & Jerry ice cream.

Sage threw herself at Kai once he had returned, snuggling into his chest, he took the spoon, scooping the chocolate galore, and feeding it to Sage.

"Give me a kiss." Sage commanded Kai. He looked stunned, Sage always followed along, while Kai took the lead in the dominant role.

He didn't expect her to kiss him, she loved how she could taste the chocolate from her lips to his. She cupped his face, kissing him one last time before snuggling up to the megapowerful witch.

"What are you doing to me Sage Bradley?"

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