Chapter 64

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They plummeted for about 30 seconds and right before they hit the ground a spell caught them. They hovered for a moment just long enough to gather their bearings before hitting the ground, most of them landing on their feet. Lucius however crumpled to the floor before them.

"What is going on?" He asked in a shaky voice looking around him.
"Where am I?" He looked up at Draco in shock


Before anyone could speak Hermione finished her sentence,

"Draco he has been under the imperius curse. I saw it in his eyes before we fell."

Far behind them came a voice warm and smooth like a caramel drizzle.

"Exactly Mrs Malfoy, how clever of you to notice."

They all spun around and let out a collective gasp.
As they turned a cloaked witch and wizard spoke simultaneously.

"Expelliarmus!" Said the wizard in a low gruff voice.

"Accio wands"

At the end of a long table of cloaked dark witches and wizards was the last person Any of them expected to see.

"Andromeda?" Harry whispered turning pale.

"Hello Harry, and Hello dearest Nephew. Please take a seat. I know this must come as a nasty shock to you all."

No one moved a muscle.

"Fine. Allow me to assist you then."

She flicked her wand and chairs appeared beneath them as their knees buckled.

"I suppose this is the part where I explain myself. I do wish I had prepared a speech, but alas, I did not."

She poured herself a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Voldemort was noble in his attempts to follow the work of Salazar Slytherin. But he was clumsy. And although I know many perceive this as sacrilege, Slytherin himself was not truly focused on the true problem. The enemy of our people, and I think it Ought to be obvious, is Muggles. Magic IS Might. We need not hide from the defenseless muggles. They are nothing but skin and bone. We are made of power, why should we not be the ruling class, instead of living in secrecy and fear of discovery."

"But Ted was a muggle born! Your in laws are muggles! I know you loved, Ted. You allowed our family to disown you for him!" Draco cried out."

"I did. I loved Ted so dearly. His muggle parents not so much. After his death they met an unfortunate end. Tragic really. But you see, that's just the thing. Salazar and Voldemort were too near sighted. All of their nonsense about blood purity. Heritage means so little in all reality. Magic is magic. You have it or you don't. So called mud bloods aren't a problem. Hermione, you are the ultimate example. Such wonderful magical ability. And your parents should be rewarded for having produced you despite their own ineptitude. Truly a spectacular story. I really hope you will understand and join my cause. We could truly use you. All of you. The cause is great, and noble but to bring it to life I need all wizards to rally with me. I do not want to spill magical blood. The magic community can not be divided between "death eaters", "order" members, and bystanders. It should be all wizards in an United front."

"You are bloody insane, lady." Whispered Ron, the color draining from his face.

"Well I'm afraid that just is not the attitude I'm looking for. Well. Maybe I should start smaller."

She waved her hand and Hermione shrieked as the people around her vanished. As well as half of the masked figures at the table with Andromeda. She looked around to find the only ones remaining in the hall were her, Draco, Harry and Andromeda.

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