Chapter 42

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*warning: this chapter is very long and very sappy...enjoy!*

When Hermione returned with their drinks, Ron was ready. No matter what reaction it received being honest was worth it. He gratefully took his butter beer from her before speaking.

"Listen, Hermione. I haven't been entirely truthful with you. I've done enough awful things to you in this lifetime, I can't add to it. I love you, Hermione, but not in the way I thought I did. You are wonderful, absolutely perfect. And unfortunately to me absolutely boring. You are a great girl, but not a great girl for me. I need adventure, and crazy. And your studying, and cute tea dates don't give me the same rush as Pansy's scheming and fiery attitude. And her kisses. They are like fire."

"As if electricity is running through your veins. I get it, Ron. That's how Draco makes me feel."

"Because you care about him. Like I do her. She's insane, and she is obsessed with another man. It doesn't even put a damper on my feelings though." He said quietly.

"Ron, I've never see this from you. It's beautiful. And I want you to have your girl, but the object of her obsession is in her grasp. They are obviously in love. We can't beat that."

"Hermione, that's what I was getting to. No they aren't."

"What do you mean? I can see them dancing over there, same as you." She replied, glancing over again at the couple.

"But that's just it. It isn't real. It's entirely an illusion. Hermione, Pansy used a love potion on Draco."

"How?! Pansy couldn't have done it She is awful at potions!"

"But Astoria is incredible. She did it. She wanted Draco to quit parading around with you, and "sullying" the reputation of Slytherin. I don't remember what it's called, but Pansy said it fakes real love. By starting with friendship."

"Erosynthia. Of course. That's why they
were so friendly out of nowhere! It brings back fond memories of the person. Ron, thank you for telling me!"

"I should have to begin with. But when Pansy told me I saw it as a way of winning you back. I didn't realize my heart had already chosen her."

"She has turned you into a true romantic." Hermione whispered, smiling at him.

"I'm going to need it. Pansy Parkinson is not an easy girl to impress."

"We can start by undoing this potion. But how.." she pondered.

"I.. I actually know that too. I researched it last night."

"You researched! You must really be in love!"

"Now is not the time to tease. Astoria is good, very good. Erosynthia is one of the few potions out there with a non magic remedy. A kiss from a person who cares for its victim without any ulterior motive."

"Ron, maybe I had too much of the punch, but I think you just suggested that the cure for Erosynthia is true love's kiss."

"Well I suppose that is one way to phrase it."

"You gave just given me a fairytale solution to a real life problem! Have you lost your mind!"

"No. Hermione everyone knows that you have a hard time separating logic from magic. And an even harder time separating both from feelings. I know that true love seems like a silly girl's dream. But right now it is your best bet. If you think for even a second what you have with that git is worth fighting for then give it a try.
I know you read that muggle fairytale all the time. That ferret over there is your beast. You are one kiss away from happily ever after. If it fails you can hit the books, and find another way. But to me this seems a hell of a lot faster."

"Ron, I can't do this! You are asking me to walk up to a man who is totally convinced he is in love with someone else and kiss him while surrounded by all of our peers."

"That's exactly what I am doing, and if there is anyone who can do it it is you Hermione Granger. If you could punch him in the nose you can, kiss him on the lips. I've unfortunately already had to see you do it before."

"Okay. Fine. But you have to get me an opening. I will not just go throw Pansy aside and kiss him!"

"I can do that. Just be watching."


Hermione thought her heart was going to bust out of her chest she was so nervous. If this didn't work she was dooming two people's happiness. Ron was right, emotions weren't her thing. She was beginning to hyperventilate when she looked up and saw Pansy stepping aside to talk to Ron. "Show time." She whispered, standing up and making her way over to Draco.

"Draco." He turned to face her.

"Hermione. Can I help you with something?" He asked coldly.

"No, but I really hope I can help you with something."

Without another word she reached up, grabbed him by his collar, and pulled him to her lips. Every spark she had been missing surges through her enjoying the feeling of being near him, the way he smelled, how warm he was. It was over too quickly.

He pulled back, and looked at her for a moment almost quizzically before murmuring "Pansy."

He turned and started making his way across the courtyard, Hermione ran behind him and grabbed his arm.

"Draco, what are you doing? Don't you have anything to say!"

"Pansy." He said again clearly.

"Reformed death eater or not, Pansy is going to pay for robbing me of the past few weeks with you."

Hermione's heart swelled, and while she wanted to cry she also knew there was a possible murder at stake.

"Draco, what she did was wrong, but you can't go after her. She wanted to be with you so badly she was willing to do anything. Even something illegal and immoral. But hurting her won't change what happened, and will put a huge damper on our future."

Draco walked over to her, and pulled her into a hug.

"Hermione everyone always comments on your intelligence. It is what you are known for. And that is terribly sad, when the greatest thing about you is clearly your heart."

"That's been a long time coming. I spent most of my life ruthless, with little emotional attachment, preferring instead to bury myself in the facts. You talk about how I have changed you, but, Draco, you have changed a lot about me."

He looked into her eyes, and brought one hand to hold her face.

"I was meaning to do this before, but now that you relieved me of Pansy's damned love potion, there is no better time. Hermione, will you be my girlfriend, for real this time?"

"Nothing would make me happier."

As heart shaped fireworks provided by Weasley's Wizard Wheezes blew up over their heads, Draco and Hermione kissed the way they had wanted to, not caring one bit who saw.

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