Chapter 1: Part 1

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"Follow the vine, count the leaves to the root. Trace back the line and you will find out the truth. Take back the time that you have spent being lied to. As you change, the days will follow, with every step you take."

* * * * *

Today was the day.

The day that I forget my past and all my troubles.

The day that we are to attend Beacon Academy.

"You need something to eat?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." I responded.

I was a little too excited about the whole idea. Not that I never considered it, but now as the moment grows closer, the though of being part of a team and hopefully gaining new friends.

We've worked hard to get here, attending Signal Academy in the process.

I was watching the news, seeing and hearing the usual, everyday events and forecasts.

Nothing exciting.

Until, an image of what seemed to be protestors setting fire to a building showed up on the screen.

I stared blankly at the television as the reporter told the story.

It was the White Fang.

From what I understand, this collection of Faunas were once peaceful.

That is, until a new leader had taken control.

I called Gabe over,"Hey, dude."

I motioned with my head towards the tv.

"You think there's something we can do about all this?" I asked him.

He was silent for a bit, but eventually answered, "As of right now, no. We know very little about how they operate, so we can't do much other than maybe...take some of their members down."

"Yeah...I guess." I responded.

We were silent for some moments, listening to the report.

"But you know what?" I broke the silence.

"What's that?" Gabe asked.

"Maybe...maybe we can get others to help us out." I suggested.

"From where? Beacon?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, we don't exactly know a lot of people--" Gabe cut me off.

"I'd like to keep it that way. The less people know, the better. We have a better chance of staying hidden if no one knows who we are." He said.

"Yes, but, we cannot keep ourselves secret forever." I argued.

"We don't need forever...we just need...long enough."

"Yeah, we also need the airship to be docked long enough for us to get there 'cause we 'bouta miss it!" I said.


Me and Gabe are now on our way to Beacon, looking out the windows of the airship.

The mood was a bit cheerier now, and we didn't worry about the situation as much.

"Are you excited?" Gabe asked.

"No, I wish there were seats on this ship." I joked.

Right about then, a guy with blond hair walked past us covering his mouth. He looked like he was about to throw up.

Suddenly, the holographic screen switched from the news, to a woman with a short cape on her back.

She looked pretty legit, so we listened to whatever she had to say.

"Who's that?" Someone asked.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch." Said the person on the screen.

"Oh" I heard whoever it was say again.

"You are among the privileged few who have been selected to Attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and, as future Huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it."

"Ehem, 'Peace'."I commented, making air-quotes.

"You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge you'll need to protect our world." The hologram of Goodwitch fades away, after which, everyone looks out the window, down onto Vale.

"Look, you can see signal from up here!" Said a girl in a red cloak.

I looked out and there was Signal, my old academy. "I guess home isn't too far away." She said.

I was going to say something but her friend reacted before I could say anything. "Beacon's our home now."

I couldn't have agreed more.


That concludes the first part.

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