Chapter 14: Part 1

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A/N: Before reading this chapter, please go back and read the last chapter, if you haven't already. Everything after the 'ᎦᎦᎦ' symbol has been edited.


"What about it?" I asked Fia.

"So, you said that they we're looking for you to use your semblance, right?" Fia asked.

"M-hm." I nodded.

"Yes. So, before the thought of leaving them ever even occurred to me, I, along with several others, were tasked with designing and putting together a contraption that would allow the user to 'steal' someone else's aura and semblance." Fia explained.

"Yeah, that already doesn't sound good." Gabe commented.

"There was no way for use to gather enough dust for energy to make it function. The device had already been built and a lot of the White Fangs' resources had been put into its production."

"Okayokayokay. You're saying that, these guys have a thing, that can take the semblance and aura of other people and they need me to make it work?!" I said.

"Yep, pretty much. And we also deducted that all the energy required is available via the surrounding environment, like in the plants, animal and even Grimm." Fia added.

"Okay, why can't they use dust? Aside from not having enough of it." I asked.

"The device needs all that energy in one go. Even if they had all the dust they need, it's no use if they can only input a few crystals at a time. It would all be consumed and still, nothing would happen." Fia explained.

Gabe cut in, "I never actually realized how useful you'd actually be to us, not only as a teammate, but a source of information."

"Well, I'm glad to help." Fia smiled.

"One more thing though..." I said.


"How did the White Fang know about me?" I questioned. I didn't know anybody affiliated with the White Fang before Blake and Fia. I didn't even know of their existence until I found myself being hunted by them.

"Maybe someone knew you or they may have been watching you. I don't know." Fia said.

"Aight. Guess that'll have to wait for another time." I said.

"Fia. Thank you. You helped us answer a lot of questions we had about the whole situation, but also spawned some new ones. For now, all I can say, is 'Thank you.'" I thanked Fia.

"Sure! Anytime." She responded.

"...And now, our next matchup..." Ooblecks' voice could be heard from the computer.

"Next match is about to start!" Cyan announced.

As we watched the dial spinning, I couldn't help but think about all the things we found out today.

Why does the White Fang have such a device?

Is there someone from the White Fang that could know me?

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